首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Marine bacterioplankton community turnover within seasonally hypoxic waters of a subtropical sound: Devil's Hole, Bermuda

Marine bacterioplankton community turnover within seasonally hypoxic waters of a subtropical sound: Devil's Hole, Bermuda


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Understanding bacterioplankton community dynamics in coastal hypoxic environments is relevant to global biogeochemistry because coastal hypoxia is increasing worldwide. The temporal dynamics of bacterioplankton communities were analysed throughout the illuminated water column of Devil's Hole, Bermuda during the 6-week annual transition from a strongly stratified water column with suboxic and high-pCO(2) bottom waters to a fully mixed and ventilated state during 2008. A suite of culture-independent methods provided a quantitative spatiotemporal characterization of bacterioplankton community changes, including both direct counts and rRNA gene sequencing. During stratification, the surface waters were dominated by the SAR11 clade of Alphaproteobacteria and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus. In the suboxic bottom waters, cells from the order Chlorobiales prevailed, with gene sequences indicating members of the genera Chlorobium and Prosthecochloris - anoxygenic photoautotrophs that utilize sulfide as a source of electrons for photosynthesis. Transitional zones of hypoxia also exhibited elevated levels of methane- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria relative to the overlying waters. The abundance of both Thaumarcheota and Euryarcheota were elevated in the suboxic bottom waters (>10(9) cells l(-1)). Following convective mixing, the entire water column returned to a community typical of oxygenated waters, with Euryarcheota only averaging 5% of cells, and Chlorobiales and Thaumarcheota absent.
机译:了解沿海缺氧环境中的浮游生物群落动态与全球生物地球化学有关,因为沿海缺氧在全球范围内正在增加。在整个6周的年度过渡期间,从百慕大的Devil's Hole照亮的水柱中,从具有低氧和高pCO(2)底水的强分层水柱过渡到完全混合和通风的状态,分析了浮游细菌群落的时间动态2008。一套独立于文化的方法提供了浮游细菌群落变化的定量时空特征,包括直接计数和rRNA基因测序。在分层过程中,地表水被Alteproteobacteria的SAR11进化支和Synechococcus的蓝藻支配。在低氧的底部水域中,来自绿藻属的细胞普遍存在,其基因序列表明绿藻属和丙绿藻属的成员-产氧光合自养生物,利用硫化物作为电子来进行光合作用。相对于上覆水域,低氧过渡区还表现出较高水平的甲烷和硫氧化细菌。在低氧的底部水域(> 10(9)细胞l(-1))中,丘陵古纲和Euryarcheota的丰度都增加了。对流混合后,整个水柱返回到典型的含氧水域,其中Euryarcheota仅平均5%的细胞,而Chlorobiales和Thaumarcheota却不存在。



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