首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >The Influence of Pine Forests of Different Ages on the Biological Activity of Layland Soils in the Middle Angara River Basin

The Influence of Pine Forests of Different Ages on the Biological Activity of Layland Soils in the Middle Angara River Basin


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The influence of pine forests of different ages (from 25 to 85 years) restoring on old plow land soils is reflected in the biological processes proceeding in them. The drastic decrease in the absolute and relative number of actmomycetes, along with anincrease of the fungal population in the microbial complexes of the soils (within the whole profiles), indicates that the microbocenoses acquire "forest" properties. In the soils under the younger pine forests, the processes of microbiological mineralization and specific respiration activity are more active than in the soils under the older pine forests. With the age of the pine forests, the soil profiles become more differentiated according to the eluvial-illuvial type.



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