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Vertisols and vertic soils of the middle and lower Volga regions


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In addition to the earlier known vertic alluvial soils (slitozems) of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, 44 new areas of Vertisols and vertic soils (according to the WRB), or dark slitozems (according to the new Russian soil classification system), have been found in the Middle and Lower Volga regions from the forest-steppe to the semidesert zones. Though these soils occupy relatively small areas, they are regularly found in the studied regions. Vertisols developed from the clayey alluvial sediments occur in widened parts of the central floodplain in the areas of strong meandering of the river downstream from the areas, where it washes out ancient swelling clay sediments. Many areas of Vertisols and vertic soils are confined to the second Khvalyn terrace of the Volga River composed of the chocolate-brown swelling Khvalyn clay. These soils do not occupy the entire terrace. They have an insular-type distribution and highly diverse in their properties. In the soils developed from the eluvium of the microlayered chocolate-brown marine clay within the Privolzhskaya Upland, vertic features are absent. The destruction of the lithogenic layering in the course of the redeposition of the marine clay with the formation of the new Quaternary clayey sediments creates conditions for the development of vertic soils. The northernmost area of Vertisols proper has been found in the area of the Samara Arc (53.231A degrees N, 049.322A degrees E). The soils with vertic features have been found in Mordovia and Samara oblast even further to the north (up to 54.2A degrees N). Morphometric data on the slickensides, wedge-shaped structure, and depth of the soil cracking are presented.
机译:除了较早已知的伏尔加-阿赫图巴洪泛区的垂直冲积土(slitozems)以外,还新建了44个新的垂直溶胶和垂直土壤区(根据WRB)或深色狭缝土壤(根据新的俄罗斯土壤分类系统)。在从森林草原到半沙漠地区的伏尔加河中下游地区发现。尽管这些土壤仅占相对较小的区域,但在研究区域中经常发现它们。由黏性冲积沉积物形成的淤泥出现在中央洪泛区的加宽部分,在该区域下游河流强烈蜿蜒的区域,在那里冲刷了古老的膨胀黏土沉积物。 Vertisols和Vertic土壤的许多区域都局限于伏尔加河的第二个Khvalyn阶地,该阶地由巧克力棕色膨胀的Khvalyn粘土组成。这些土壤并不占据整个梯田。它们具有岛状分布并且其性质高度不同。在Privolzhskaya山地内由微层巧克力棕色海洋黏土的淋溶层发育的土壤中,没有垂直特征。在海相粘土再沉积过程中,随着新的第四纪粘土质沉积物的形成,成岩层的破坏为垂直土壤的发育创造了条件。已在萨马拉弧地区(北纬53.231A,东经049.322A)发现了最深的Vertisols地区。在Mordovia和Samara州甚至更北(最高54.2A度)发现了具有垂直特征的土壤。给出了关于光滑面,楔形结构和土壤开裂深度的形态数据。



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