首页> 外文期刊>Endeavour: A Review of the Progress of Science and Technology in the Service of Mankind >From cruelty to welfare: The emergence of farm animal welfare in Britain, 1964-71

From cruelty to welfare: The emergence of farm animal welfare in Britain, 1964-71


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There is a long history of concern in Britain for how animals are treated. Until the 1960s, these concerns were expressed largely in terms of cruelty or suffering, which was prevented through various acts of Parliament. Over the period 1964-71, amidst public debates about intensive farming, a new discourse of animal welfare emerged. To understand what welfare meant and how it became established as a term, a concept and a target of government regulation, it is necessary to examine farming politics and practices, the existing tradition of animal protection and attempts to rethink the nature of animal suffering.
机译:在英国,长期以来一直在关注如何对待动物。直到1960年代,这些关注主要是通过残酷或痛苦来表达的,而这些残酷或痛苦是通过议会的各种行动得以避免的。 1964-71年期间,在有关集约化农业的公众辩论中,出现了关于动物福利的新论述。要了解福利的含义以及它如何作为术语,概念和政府法规的目标而确立,有必要研究农业的政治和实践,现有的动物保护传统以及尝试重新考虑动物痛苦的性质。



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