首页> 外文期刊>Endangered species research >Spotting the difference: towards fully-automated population monitoring of African penguins Spheniscus demersus

Spotting the difference: towards fully-automated population monitoring of African penguins Spheniscus demersus

机译:发现差异:对非洲企鹅Spheniscus demersus进行全自动种群监测

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Placing external monitoring devices onto seabirds can have deleterious effects on welfare and performance, and even the most benign marking and identification methods return sparse population data at a huge time and effort cost. Consequently, there is growing interest in methods that minimise disturbance but still allow robust population monitoring. We have developed a computer vision system that automatically creates a unique biometric identifier for individual adult African penguins Spheniscus demersus using natural markings in the chest plumage and matches this against a population database. We tested this non-invasive system in the field at Robben Island, South Africa. False individual identifications of detected penguins occurred in less than 1 in 10 000 comparisons (n = 73 600, genuine acceptance rate = 96.7%) to known individuals. The monitoring capacity in the field was estimated to be above 13% of the birds that passed a camera (n = 1453). A significant increase in this lower bound was recorded under favourable conditions. We conclude that the system is suitable for population monitoring of this species: the demonstrated sensitivity is comparable to computer-aided animal biometric monitoring systems in the literature. A full deployment of the system would identify more penguins than is possible with a complete exploitation of the current levels of flipper banding at Robben Island. Our study illustrates the potential of fully-automated, non-invasive, complete population monitoring of wild animals.
机译:将外部监视设备放置在海鸟上会对福利和性能产生有害影响,即使是最良性的标记和识别方法,也要花费大量时间和精力来返回稀疏的种群数据。因此,人们对使干扰最小化但仍能进行可靠的人口监测的方法越来越感兴趣。我们已经开发了一种计算机视觉系统,该系统会使用胸部羽毛中的自然标记为非洲成年企鹅Spheniscus demersus自动创建唯一的生物识别符,并将其与种群数据库进行匹配。我们在南非罗本岛的现场测试了这种非侵入式系统。与已知个体进行的万次比较中,不到1例的错误识别企鹅的错误发生(n = 73 600,真实接受率= 96.7%)。据估计,野外的监测能力超过了通过照相机的鸟类的13%(n = 1453)。在有利条件下,该下限显着增加。我们得出结论,该系统适用于该物种的种群监测:所证明的敏感性与文献中的计算机辅助动物生物特征监测系统相当。系统的全面部署将比完全利用罗本岛当前的鳍状肢带水平发现更多的企鹅。我们的研究表明了对野生动物进行全自动,无创,完整种群监测的潜力。



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