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Mother-offspring correlation and mate-choice copying behavior in guppies


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One broad, well-accepted definition of cultural transmission is the spreading of information by social learning or copying. The tendency to copy the action of others, however, may itself be a heritable trait. Here we measured the narrow-sense heritability of the tendency of female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to copy the mate choice of other females. Thirty-two female guppies were tested on their tendency to copy the mate choice of same-sized models. These 32 females produced a total of 83 female offspring, who upon reaching 11 weeks of age, were tested on their tendency to mate-choice copy. A significant positive correlation was found between the absolute time that mothers and their daughters spent near a male chosen by another (model) female. However, the correlation between the time that mothers and daughters spent near the male not chosen by the model female, and the correlation between mothers and daughters with respect to the proportion of time spent near a male chosen by a model, were not significant. Our data do not suggest that the tendency to copy the mate choice of others has a significant heritability. If it did, we would expect mothers and daughters to show similar scores on the proportion of time spent near a male chosen by a model, which is not the case. Instead, what appears to be a heritable trait is the absolute amount of time that a female spends near a male chosen by a model. Females in our study could do one of three things: spend time near a male chosen by a model, spend time near a male not chosen by a model, or spend time in the "neutral zone". It appears that mothers and daughters behave similarly with respect to the first of these, but divide up their time between the second and third quite differently, thus producing the results we record here.
机译:对文化传播的一种广泛接受的定义是通过社会学习或复制传播信息。但是,模仿他人行为的倾向本身可能是遗传的特征。在这里,我们测量了雌性孔雀鱼(Poecilia reticulata)复制其他雌性伴侣选择的趋势的狭义遗传力。测试了32只孔雀鱼复制相同尺寸模型伴侣选择的趋势。这32名雌性产生了总共83名雌性后代,这些后代在11周龄时接受了择偶倾向的测试。在母亲和女儿在另一个(模范)女性选择的男性附近度过的绝对时间之间发现显着正相关。但是,母女之间在模型未选择的男性附近度过的时间之间的相关性与母女之间在模型所选择的男性附近度过的时间比例之间的相关性并不显着。我们的数据并不表明复制他人的伴侣选择的倾向具有显着的遗传性。如果确实如此,我们希望母女俩在模特所选择的男性附近所花费的时间比例上显示出相似的分数,事实并非如此。取而代之的是,似乎遗传的特征是女性在模特所选择的男性附近花费的绝对时间。在我们的研究中,女性可能会做以下三件事之一:将时间花在模型选择的男性附近,将时间花在模型未选择的男性附近,或将时间花费在“中性区”。似乎母女俩在第一个方面的行为类似,但在第二个和第三个之间的时间分配却截然不同,因此得出了我们在此处记录的结果。



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