首页> 外文期刊>Estuaries and coasts >Sustainability of a Tidal Freshwater Marsh Exposed to a Long-term Hydrologic Barrier and Sea Level Rise: A Short-term and Decadal Analysis of Elevation Change Dynamics

Sustainability of a Tidal Freshwater Marsh Exposed to a Long-term Hydrologic Barrier and Sea Level Rise: A Short-term and Decadal Analysis of Elevation Change Dynamics


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A 115-year-old railroad levee bisecting a tidal freshwater marsh perpendicular to the Patuxent River (Maryland) channel has created a northern, upstream marsh and a southern, downstream marsh. The main purpose of this study was to determine how this levee may affect the ability of the marsh system to gain elevation and to determine the levee's impact on the marsh's long-term sustainability to local relative sea level rise (RSLR). Previously unpublished data from 1989 to 1992 showed that suspended solids and short-term sediment deposition were greater in the south marsh compared to the north marsh; wetland surface elevation change data (1999 to 2009) showed significantly higher elevation gain in the south marsh compared to the north (6 ± 2 vs. 0 ± 2 mm year-1, respectively). However, marsh surface accretion (2007 to 2009) showed no significant differences between north and south marshes (23 ± 8 and 26 ± 7 mm year-1, respectively), and showed that shallow subsidence was an important process in both marshes. A strong seasonal effect was evident for both accretion and elevation change, with significant gains during the growing season and elevation loss during the non-growing season. Sediment transport, deposition and accretion decreased along the intertidal gradient, although no clear patterns in elevation change were recorded. Given the range in local RSLR rates in the Chesapeake Bay (2.9 to 5.8 mm year-1), only the south marsh is keeping pace with sea level at the present time. Although one would expect the north marsh to benefit from high accretion of abundant riverine sediments, these results suggest that long-term elevation gain is a more nuanced process involving more than riverine sediments. Overall, other factors such as infrequent episodic coastal events may be important in allowing the south marsh to keep pace with sea level rise. Finally, caution should be exercised when using data sets spanning only a couple of years to estimate wetland sustainability as they may not be representative of long-term cumulative effects. Two years of data do not seem to be enough to establish long-term elevation change rates at Jug Bay, but instead a decadal time frame is more appropriate.
机译:拥有115年历史的铁路大堤将垂直于Patuxent河(马里兰州)河道的潮汐淡水沼泽平分,形成了北部上游沼泽和南部下游沼泽。这项研究的主要目的是确定堤坝如何影响沼泽系统升高海拔的能力,并确定堤坝对沼泽相对于当地相对海平面上升(RSLR)的长期可持续性的影响。 1989年至1992年以前未发表的数据表明,与北部沼泽相比,南部沼泽中的悬浮固体和短期沉积物沉积更大。湿地表面海拔变化数据(1999年至2009年)显示,南部沼泽的海拔升高幅度明显高于北部(分别为6±2 vs. 0±2 mm year-1)。但是,沼泽地表沉积物(2007年至2009年)显示南北沼泽之间(分别为1年分别为23±8和26±7 mm 1年)没有显着差异,并且表明浅沉降是这两个沼泽中的重要过程。增生和海拔变化均表现出强烈的季节性效应,在生长季节明显增加,而在非生长季节明显降低。沿潮间带坡度,沉积物的输运,沉积和积聚量减少,尽管没有记录到海拔变化的清晰模式。考虑到切萨皮克湾当地RSLR率的范围(一年1年为2.9至5.8毫米),目前只有南沼泽与海平面保持同步。尽管人们希望北部沼泽受益于丰富的河流沉积物的大量增加,但这些结果表明,长期的海拔升高是一个比河流沉积物更多的细微变化过程。总体而言,诸如偶发性沿海事件之类的其他因素可能对允许南沼泽跟上海平面上升的步伐也很重要。最后,当使用仅跨越数年的数据集来估计湿地可持续性时,应谨慎行事,因为它们可能无法代表长期累积影响。两年的数据似乎不足以确定水罐湾的长期海拔变化率,但更合适的是十年的时间框架。



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