首页> 外文期刊>Ethology >Nest Attendance does not Predict Offspring Desertion by Eurasian Penduline Tit Parents

Nest Attendance does not Predict Offspring Desertion by Eurasian Penduline Tit Parents


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Parental care is costly, and in many organisms, the male or the female parent benefits from reducing its own care which may be compensated for by its mate. One of the parents may even face all costs of parental care if its mate deserts and leaves him/her to care for the offspring alone. Theoretical models have generated contrasting predictions as to how parents negotiate a resolution of this sexual conflict over care, although empirical tests are largely lacking. We investigated pre-desertion behaviour (nest attendance) of a highly polygamous passerine, the Eurasian penduline tit ( Remiz pendulinus) that exhibits intense sexual conflict over care culminating in clutch desertion by the male, by the female or by both parents. We conjectured that nest attendance of parents should predict desertion, so that the lack of care provided by the deserting parent may be compensated for. By analysing over 200 000 video frames (2.50 +/- 1.36 d per pair, 302 +/- 170 min/d) of 20 pairs, we show that nest desertion is not a gradual process and cannot be predicted by nest attendance. These results are consistent with the argument that the predictable desertion may not be evolutionarily stable, and suggest that male and female penduline tits do not negotiate clutch desertion.
机译:父母照料成本高昂,在许多生物中,男性或女性父母都可以从减少自己的照料中受益,而这种照料可以由伴侣来弥补。如果一位配偶离开并留给他/她一个人照料后代,则其中一位父母甚至可能要承担所有父母照料费用。尽管在很大程度上缺乏实证检验,但理论模型对父母如何就护理方面的性冲突进行协商达成了截然不同的预测。我们调查了高度一夫多妻的雀形目,欧亚摆线山雀(Remiz pendulinus)在出院前的行为(巢参与),该行为在护理方面表现出强烈的性冲突,最终导致男性,女性或父母双方都放弃离婚。我们推测,父母的出勤率应该预测出离婚的情况,这样可以弥补离婚的父母提供的照顾不足。通过分析20对视频中的200,000多个视频帧(每对2.50 +/- 1.36 d,302 +/- 170 min / d),我们发现巢荒漠不是一个渐进过程,不能由巢出席率预测。这些结果与可预测的抛弃可能在进化上不是稳定的论点是一致的,并且表明雄性和雌性摆线山雀不能解决关键性的抛弃。



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