首页> 外文期刊>Estuaries and coasts >Stock-Specific Movement and Distribution of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in Sandy Beach Surf Zones of Oregon and Washington, USA

Stock-Specific Movement and Distribution of Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in Sandy Beach Surf Zones of Oregon and Washington, USA

机译:在美国俄勒冈州和华盛顿的沙滩冲浪区中的奇努克鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)的特定种群运动和分布

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Sandy beach surf zones serve as alternative nursery habitats for juvenile Chinook salmon (0 age) during their early marine residency, a period considered critical due to high and variable mortality rates. Despite the importance of early marine residence, the extent of juvenile salmon surf zone use and movement along sandy beaches is not well understood. Juvenile Chinook salmon distribution and movement were studied in shallow surf zone habitats by sampling from 2006 to 2010 with a beach seine 11 beaches adjacent and distant to four estuary mouths in Oregon and Washington, USA. The estuary of origin of each juvenile was determined using genetic stock identification methods and coded wire tags. Surf zones sampled were within littoral cells, which are stretches of the coastline bordered by rocky headlands, and included estuaries with and without Chinook salmon populations. Juvenile salmonids were only collected at littoral cells with Chinook-inhabited watersheds. Most juveniles (95 %) were present at sandy beaches adjacent (< 500 m from estuary mouth) to their estuary of origin. Few Chinook salmon (5 %) were collected at littoral cells that contained non-natal estuaries. These results indicate that juvenile Chinook salmon inhabiting surf zones mostly use beaches adjacent to their estuaries of origin, but some juveniles may reside in beaches distant from their point of ocean entry.
机译:沙滩冲浪区在海洋早期栖息期间,是奇努克鲑鱼(0岁)的替代苗圃栖息地,由于高死亡率和可变死亡率,这一时期被认为是至关重要的时期。尽管早期海洋居住很重要,但对于青少年鲑鱼冲浪区的使用和沿沙滩的移动程度尚不十分了解。通过从2006年至2010年在美国俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的四个塞河口附近且相距较远的11个海滩围网采样,研究了浅海冲浪区生境中的奇努克鲑鱼的分布和活动。使用遗传种群识别方法和编码的电线标签确定每个少年的出海口。采样的冲浪区位于沿海单元内,沿海单元是沿海岸线延伸的岩石岬角,包括有或没有奇努克鲑鱼种群的河口。幼鲑鱼仅在奇努克人居住的集水区的沿海牢房收集。大部分幼鱼(95%)出现在与其起源河口相邻(距河口口<500 m)的沙滩上。很少有奇努克鲑鱼(5%)是在含有非出生河口的沿海单元收集的。这些结果表明,奇努克鲑鱼栖息的未成年人冲浪区大多使用靠近其出海口的海滩,但一些未成年人可能生活在远离海洋入口的海滩上。



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