首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsia: Journal of the International League against Epilepsy >An automated injection system (with patient selection) for SPECT imaging in seizure localization.

An automated injection system (with patient selection) for SPECT imaging in seizure localization.


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PURPOSE: Ictal single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) provides lateralization but has technical limitations: (a) a "truly ictal" injection must be shortly after seizure onset; (b) therefore, a seizure of brief duration may be missed; (c) more than one patient may need testing at any given time; (d) a trained health professional must stay next to each patient to inject; and (e) because the radionuclide is placed in the syringe in advance of the injection, decay of the radioactive element could result in less than optimal uptake, if the same volume of material were to be used regardless of the time after ligand preparation. METHODS: We developed an automated method of ligand injection that shortens time and increases efficiency of ictal SPECT ligand injection. By using an experimental setup, we compared manual injection times with times using an automated injection system. We determined relative costs and efficiency in work hours for the manual and automated methods. RESULTS: Injection times were 8-14 s with automated versus 19-26 s with manual injection. Readjusting volume for "ligand" decay was simple and accurate with the automated system. Injection times for clinical SPECT studies in three patients were 13, 13, and 12 s, respectively. The price of one pump equals 120 work hours of a nurse or 24 ictal injection attempts. Much of the nurse's time is "wasted" because no seizure occurs. CONCLUSIONS: The method can be more efficient of staff, shorten injection time, and facilitate obtaining "truly ictal" injections. It allows more cost-effective use of personnel.
机译:用途:单侧单光子计算机断层扫描(SPECT)具有侧向作用,但存在技术局限性:(a)发作发作后不久必须“真正”注射; (b)因此,可能会错过短暂的癫痫发作; (c)在任何给定时间可能有不止一名患者需要检查; (d)受过训练的保健专业人员必须待在每个病人旁边,以便注射; (e)由于放射性核素是在注射前放入注射器中的,如果不管配体制备后的时间如何都使用相同体积的物质,放射性元素的衰变可能会导致吸收率低于最佳。方法:我们开发了一种自动配体注射方法,该方法可缩短时间并提高早期SPECT配体注射效率。通过使用实验设置,我们将手动进样时间与使用自动进样系统的时间进行了比较。我们确定了手动和自动方法的相对成本和工作时间效率。结果:自动进样时间为8-14 s,而手动进样时间为19-26 s。使用自动系统可以轻松,准确地重新调整“配体”衰减量。用于三名患者的临床SPECT研究的注射时间分别为13、13和12 s。一台泵的价格等于一名护士的120个工作小时或24次尝试注射的费用。护士的大部分时间都被“浪费”了,因为没有发生癫痫发作。结论:该方法可以提高工作人员的效率,缩短注射时间,并有助于获得“真正的”注射。它使人员的使用更具成本效益。



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