首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsia: Journal of the International League against Epilepsy >Effects of add-on melatonin administration on antioxidant enzymes in children with epilepsy taking carbamazepine monotherapy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Effects of add-on melatonin administration on antioxidant enzymes in children with epilepsy taking carbamazepine monotherapy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.


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PURPOSE: Melatonin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, antiexcitotoxic, and free radical-scavenging properties in various animal models. The study was designed to assess its effects on the blood levels of antioxidant enzymes in children with epilepsy receiving carbamazepine (CBZ). METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial, we assessed the effect of add-on melatonin (6-9 mg/day for 14 days) on the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GRd) in 31 children with epilepsy receiving CBZ monotherapy, who were seizure free at least for the last 6 months. The interaction of melatonin with CBZ and its active metabolite, carbamazepine-10, 11-epoxide (CBZ-E), also was studied. RESULTS: An increase in GRd activity was noted in the melatonin group as compared with a decrease of the same enzyme in the placebo group. Changes in GPx activity failed to reach statistical significance. No significant changes were found in the serum levels of CBZ and CBZ-E in either group. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that melatonin exerts antioxidant activity in patients with epilepsy receiving CBZ therapy.
机译:用途:褪黑激素已被证明在各种动物模型中均具有抗氧化,抗兴奋性和清除自由基的特性。该研究旨在评估其对接受卡马西平(CBZ)癫痫的儿童血液中抗氧化酶水平的影响。方法:在一项双盲,随机,平行组,安慰剂对照试验中,我们评估了褪黑激素(6-9毫克/天,共14天)对抗氧化酶谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)和谷胱甘肽的影响接受CBZ单药治疗的31例癫痫患儿中,至少在最近6个月内无癫痫发作的儿童中的还原酶(GRd)。还研究了褪黑素与CBZ及其活性代谢物carbamazepine-10,11-epoxy(CBZ-E)的相互作用。结果:褪黑激素组的GRd活性增加,而安慰剂组的相同酶的减少。 GPx活性的变化未能达到统计学意义。两组的血清CBZ和CBZ-E水平均无明显变化。结论:该研究表明褪黑激素在接受CBZ治疗的癫痫患者中发挥抗氧化作用。



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