首页> 外文期刊>Erdkunde >A case study on rainfall dynamics during El Nino/La Nina 1997/99 in Ecuador and surrounding areas as inferred from GOES-8 and TRMM-PR observations

A case study on rainfall dynamics during El Nino/La Nina 1997/99 in Ecuador and surrounding areas as inferred from GOES-8 and TRMM-PR observations


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El Nino and La Nina (EN/LN) events cause heavy precipitation, floods and various economical losses in the normally extreme dry coastal areas of southern Ecuador and northern Peru (El Nino) as well as at the eastern-Andean slopes (La Nina). Due to the fact that the spatio-temporal rainfall distribution and rainfall formation during "super events" is still not definitely known today, an analysis of heavy precipitation dynamics during the strongest Super El Nino of the last century (1997/98) for Ecuador and northern Peru and the following La Nina (1999) event is presented. The investigation is based on half-hourly time serics of GOES-8 and additional radar data onboard the TRMM platform (PR-Sensor). The Enhanced Convective Stratiform Technique (ECST)was applied to compute precipitation maps in order to examine the spatio-temporal rainfall distribution. Additionally, Cloud Motion Winds (CMW) are extracted from the GOES-8 data in order to investigate the related circulation pattern. It has been proven that the spatio-temporal dynamics of heavy precipitation during the Super El Nino 1997/98 reveals the same mechanisms as during a normal El Nino (1991/92). However, the rainfall amount is significantly increased. Evidence for clear spill-over effects of cirrus remainders from the Amazon region on the rainfall formation in the coastal lowlands could be found by means of TRMM-PR data and CMW's. The La Nina situation (1999) is typified by an inverse spatial distribution of rainfields. The specific La Nina weather situation with its typical circulation patterns is outlined.
机译:厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜(EN / LN)事件在厄瓜多尔南部和秘鲁北部(厄尔尼诺)的通常极端干燥的沿海地区以及东安第斯山坡(拉尼娜)造成大量降雨,洪水和各种经济损失。由于至今仍不确定“超级事件”期间的时空降雨分布和降雨形成这一事实,因此对厄瓜多尔和厄瓜多尔上世纪最强的超级厄尔尼诺现象(1997/98)期间的强降水动力学进行了分析。介绍了秘鲁北部和随后的拉尼娜(La Nina)(1999)事件。该调查基于GOES-8的半小时时间序列表和TRMM平台(PR传感器)上的其他雷达数据。应用增强对流层状技术(ECST)计算降水图,以检查时空降雨分布。此外,还从GOES-8数据中提取了Cloud Motion Winds(CMW),以研究相关的环流模式。事实证明,1997/98年超级厄尔尼诺现象期间强降水的时空动态揭示了与正常厄尔尼诺现象(1991/92年)相同的机制。但是,降雨量大大增加了。可以通过TRMM-PR数据和CMW来找到亚马逊地区卷云剩余物对沿海低地降雨形成的明显溢出效应的证据。拉尼娜现象(1999年)的典型特征是雨场呈反空间分布。概述了拉尼娜(La Nina)的具体天气情况及其典型的环流模式。



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