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Phytoplankton dynamics with a special emphasis on harmful algal blooms in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Italy)


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The response of phytoplankton assemblages to the closure of urban sewage outfalls (USOs) was examined for the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea), a productive semi-enclosed coastal marine ecosystem devoted to shellfish farming. Phytoplankton dynamics were investigated in relation to environmental variables, with a particular emphasis on harmful algal blooms (HABs). Recent analyses evidenced a general reduction of the inorganic nutrient loads, except for nitrates and silicates. Also phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) and abundances were characterized by a decrease of the values, except for the inner area of the basin (second inlet). The phytoplankton composition changed, with nano-sized species, indicators of oligotrophic conditions, becoming dominant over micro-sized species. If the closure of the USOs affected phytoplankton dynamics, however, it did not preserve the Mar Piccolo from HABs and anoxia crises. About 25 harmful species have been detected throughout the years, such as the potentially domoic acid producers Pseudo-nitzschia ef. galaxiae and Pseudo-nitzschia ef. multistriata, identified for the first time in these waters. The presence of HABs represents a threat for human health and aquaculture. Urgent initiatives are needed to improve the communication with authorities responsible for environmental protection, economic development, and public health for a sustainable mussel culture in the Mar Piccolo.
机译:在塔兰托(地中海)的马尔·皮克洛(Mar Piccolo)(地中海,一个半封闭的沿海海洋生态系统,专门用于贝类养殖)中研究了浮游植物对封闭城市排污口(USOs)的响应。研究了与环境变量有关的浮游植物动力学,特别着重于有害藻华(HABs)。最近的分析表明,除硝酸盐和硅酸盐外,无机养分含量普遍降低。浮游植物生物量(叶绿素a)和丰度的特征还在于该值的减少,除了盆地内部(第二个入口)。浮游植物的组成发生了变化,纳米大小的物种是贫营养状况的指标,在​​微型大小的物种中占主导地位。但是,如果USOs的关闭影响了浮游植物的动态,那么它就不会使3月短笛免受HAB和缺氧危机的影响。这些年来,已经发现了大约25种有害物种,例如潜在的海藻酸生产者Pseudo-nitzschia ef。 galaxiae和Pseudo-Nitzschia ef。多条纹,在这些水域中首次被发现。 HAB的存在对人类健康和水产养殖构成威胁。需要采取紧急措施来改善与负责环境保护,经济发展和公共卫生的当局之间的沟通,以在玛可短笛地区实现可持续的贻贝养殖。



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