首页> 外文期刊>Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences >Russia-India: Problems and prospects of cross investment

Russia-India: Problems and prospects of cross investment


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The author addresses the problem of cross investment as a structural framework of Russian-Indian relations. Mutual investments are considered as a strategic (long-term) factor that activates all subsystems of bilateral relations, including external economic relations, the coordination of foreign-policy lines, and so on. Special attention is drawn to the role of large joint transport projects, which make it possible to intensify investment counterflows and widen the geography of external economic ties. Latent reserves of Russian-Indian trade-economic and scientific-technological (commercialization of intellectual activity) exchanges are identified. Russian-Indian investment relations in the region-region format are considered as the main multiplier of bilateral external economic ties. The passionarity-related function of Russia's eastern regions in the stimulation of Russian-Indian cooperation ties is emphasized, and a preliminary estimation of the investment potential of Russian regions, including Sevastopol and the Crimea, is proposed. The political history of both countries is interpreted as a necessary element of the juncture of cross investments and joint implementation of the "development agenda" by Russia and India.



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