首页> 外文期刊>Entomological Science >Mating structure and male production in Vespa analis and Vespa simillima (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Mating structure and male production in Vespa analis and Vespa simillima (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

机译:Vespa analis和Vespa simillima(膜翅目:雌蕊科)的交配结构和雄性繁殖

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We estimated queen mating frequency, genetic relatedness between workers and worker reproduction in the hornets Vespa analis and Vespa simillima using microsatellite DNA genotyping. The 20 V. analis colonies studied each contained a queen inseminated by a single male. Of the 15 V. simillima colonies studied, nine had a queen inseminated by a single male, four had a queen inseminated by two males, and two had a queen inseminated by three males. The estimated effective number of matings was 1.33 pl 0.74 (mean pl SD), with 75-85% of the offspring of the six multiply mated queens sired by single males. The values for genetic relatedness between the workers of V. analis and V. simillima were 0.739 pl 0.004 and 0.698 pl 0.013 (mean pl SD), respectively. We conclude that V. analis and V. simillima colonies are genetically monogynous and monandrous. When high relatedness between the workers occurs within colonies, kin selection theory predicts a potential conflict between queens and workers over male production. To determine whether males were derived from queens or workers, males from V. analis and V. simillima colonies were genotyped at four microsatellite loci and the level of ovary activation in workers was determined. None of the 787 V. analis workers and only 15 of 3520 V. simillima workers had developed ovaries. Furthermore, the genotyping identified no worker-produced males in any colony. The presence of reproductive workers correlated positively with the number of workers within the colony. These results suggest that eusocial colonies with an annual life cycle tend to break down socially when they become large and are close to dying.
机译:我们使用微卫星DNA基因分型来估计大黄蜂的交配频率,黄蜂Vespa analis和Vespa simillima中工人与工人生殖之间的遗传相关性。研究的20个V.analis殖民地每个都包含一个由单个雄性授精的女王。在研究的15个simillima菌落中,有9个由单个男性授精的女王/王后,四个由两个男性授精的女王/王后,两个有3个男性授精的女王/王后。估计的有效交配数量为1.33 pl 0.74(平均pl SD),其中六只多重交配皇后的后代中有75-85%由单亲雄性所生。 V. analis和V. simillima工人之间的遗传相关性值分别为0.739 pl 0.004和0.698 pl 0.013(平均pl SD)。我们得出的结论是,V。analis和V. simillima菌落在遗传上是单性和一生的。当殖民地内部工人之间的亲缘关系很高时,亲属选择理论会预测皇后和工人之间在男性生产上的潜在冲突。为了确定雄性是来自皇后还是来自工人,在四个微卫星基因座上对来自V. analis和V. simillima菌落的男性进行了基因分型,并确定了工人卵巢的激活水平。 787名V. analis工人中没有一个,而3520名simillima V.工人中只有15名患有卵巢。此外,基因分型没有发现任何殖民地中有工人生产的男性。繁殖工人的存在与殖民地工人的数量呈正相关。这些结果表明,具有年度生命周期的正常社会殖民地在规模扩大并濒临死亡时,往往会在社会上崩溃。



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