首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Bioenergetics >Exploring the mechanism(s) of energy dissipation in the light harvesting complex of the photosynthetic algae Cyclotella meneghiniana

Exploring the mechanism(s) of energy dissipation in the light harvesting complex of the photosynthetic algae Cyclotella meneghiniana


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Photosynthetic organisms have developed vital strategies which allow them to switch from a light-harvesting to an energy dissipative state at the level of the antenna system in order to survive the detrimental effects of excess light illumination. These mechanisms are particularly relevant in diatoms, which grow in highly fluctuating light environments and thus require fast and strong response to changing light conditions. We performed transient absorption spectroscopy on FCPa, the main light-harvesting antenna from the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana, in the unquenched and quenched state. Our results show that in quenched FCPa two quenching channels are active and are characterized by differing rate constants and distinct spectroscopic signatures. One channel is associated with a faster quenching rate (16 ns- 1) and virtually no difference in spectral shape compared to the bulk unquenched chlorophylls, while a second channel is associated with a slower quenching rate (2.7 ns - 1) and exhibits an increased population of red-emitting states. We discuss the origin of the two processes in the context of the models proposed for the regulation of photosynthetic light-harvesting. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: Keys to Produce Clean Energy.
机译:光合生物已经开发出重要的策略,可以使它们从天线系统级别的光收集状态转换为能量耗散状态,以度过过度光照的不利影响。这些机制与硅藻特别相关,硅藻在变化很大的光照环境中生长,因此需要对变化的光照条件做出快速而强烈的响应。我们在未经淬火和淬灭的状态下对硅藻Cyclotella meneghiniana的主要光收集天线FCPa进行了瞬态吸收光谱分析。我们的结果表明,在淬火的FCPa中,两个淬火通道是活跃的,并且具有不同的速率常数和不同的光谱特征。与大量未淬灭的叶绿素相比,一个通道具有更快的淬灭速率(16 ns-1),并且在光谱形状上几乎没有差异,而第二个通道则具有更低的淬灭速率(2.7 ns-1),并且显示出增加的淬灭速率。红色发光状态的人口。我们在提出的光合作用光收集调节模型的背景下讨论了这两个过程的起源。本文是一个名为“光合作用研究可持续性:生产清洁能源的关键”的特刊的一部分。



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