首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Entomology >Flower-Visiting Insects and Phenology of Lippia alba (Lamiales: Verbenaceae): Floral Color Changes and Environmental Conditions as Cues for Pollinators

Flower-Visiting Insects and Phenology of Lippia alba (Lamiales: Verbenaceae): Floral Color Changes and Environmental Conditions as Cues for Pollinators

机译:访白蝇(Lippia alba)(Lamiales:马鞭草科)的昆虫和物候:花色变化和环境条件作为授粉媒介的线索

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Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson (Verbenaceae) is a herbal aromatic shrub with medicinal properties. Natural populations of this species are allogamous and self-incompatible. Therefore, this plant species relies on pollinators to outcross and maintain the genetic variability. Here, we investigated the floral phenology, pollen morphology, the floral visitor entomofauna, and the influence of climatic factors on the frequency of visits in L. alba flowers. The study was conducted at Federal University of Juiz de Fora Plant Experimental Area, southeast Brazil. The flowering of L. alba occurred throughout the whole year. The anthesis is diurnal and lasts 5 d. The nectar guide was visible from the onset of flowering until the third day. Pollen grains were classified as isopolar, oblate spheroidal, three-colporate (rare, four-colporate), surface tectate-perforate, and endoaperture lalongate, with median constriction. Insects from the order Hymenoptera were the most frequent visitors observed, followed by Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera, and Hemiptera-Heteroptera. The preference of insects for flowers with nectar guides shows that the color is likely to be an important visual trait to increase the frequency of visits. Moreover, the climate variables temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and light were important to define the composition of the most frequent floral visitors.
机译:Lippia alba(马里兰州) Br。 ex Britton&P. Wilson(马鞭草科)是一种具有药用特性的草药芳香灌木。该物种的自然种群是同种异体的,并且自身不相容。因此,该植物物种依靠传粉媒介杂交并维持遗传变异。在这里,我们调查了花物候,花粉形态,花访者昆虫纲动物以及气候因素对白花丹参访花频率的影响。这项研究是在巴西东南部的Juiz de Fora联邦大学植物实验区进行的。一年四季都发生白花苜蓿的开花。花期为昼夜,持续5天。从开花开始到第三天可见花蜜引导。花粉粒被分类为等极性,扁球形,三棱形(稀有,四棱形),表面t孔状和长孔内孔状,中间收缩。膜翅目昆虫是最常观察到的访客,其次是鳞翅目,Th翅目,双翅目和半翅目-翅翅目。昆虫对带有花蜜引导的花朵的偏爱表明,颜色很可能是增加访问频率的重要视觉特征。此外,气候变量温度,相对湿度,风速和光照对于确定最常出现的花卉访客的组成也很重要。



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