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Effects of Trap Type, Placement and Ash Distribution on Emerald Ash Borer Captures in a Low Density Site


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Effective methods for early detection of newly established, low density emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) infestations are critically needed in North America. We assessed adult A. planipennis captures on four types of traps in a 16-ha site in central Michigan. The site was divided into 16 blocks, each comprised of four 50- by 50-m cells. Green ash trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) were inventoried by diameter class and ash phloem area was estimated for each cell. One trap type was randomly assigned to each cell in each block. Because initial sampling showed that A. planipennis density was extremely low, infested ash logs were introduced into the center of the site. In total, 87 beetles were captured during the summer. Purple double-decker traps baited with a blend of ash leaf volatiles, Manuka oil, and ethanol captured 65% of all A. planipennis beetles. Similarly baited, green double-decker traps captured 18% of the beetles, whereas sticky bands on girdled trees captured 11% of the beetles. Purple traps baited with Manuka oil and suspended in the canopies of live ash trees captured only 5% of the beetles. At least one beetle was captured on 81% of the purple double-decker traps, 56% of the green double-decker traps, 42% of sticky bands, and 25% of the canopy traps. Abundance of ash phloem near traps had no effect on captures and trap location and sun exposure had only weak effects on captures. Twelve girdled and 29 nongirdled trees were felled and sampled in winter. Current-year larvae were present in 100% of the girdled trees and 72% of the nongirdled trees, but larval density was five times higher on girdled than nongirdled trees.
机译:在北美,迫切需要有效的方法来及早发现新近建立的低密度祖母灰bore虫(Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire)。我们在密歇根州中部一个16公顷的场地中评估了四种类型陷阱中的成年拟南芥捕获。该地点被分为16个区块,每个区块由四个50 x 50 m的小区组成。根据直径等级清点灰树(Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall),并估算每个单元的灰韧皮部面积。将一种陷阱类型随机分配给每个块中的每个单元。由于最初的抽样显示,A。Planipennis密度极低,因此,受感染的灰烬原木被引入该地点的中心。夏季总共捕获了87只甲虫。用灰叶挥发物,麦卢卡油和乙醇的混合物引诱的紫色双层诱捕器捕获了全部扁平甲虫的65%。同样诱饵,绿色的双层陷阱捕获了18%的甲虫,而环剥树上的粘性带捕获了11%的甲虫。紫色的陷阱用麦卢卡油诱饵,悬浮在活灰树的树冠中,仅捕获了5%的甲虫。在81%的紫色双层陷阱,56%的绿色双层陷阱,42%的粘性带和25%的冠层陷阱中捕获了至少一只甲虫。捕集阱附近的烟灰韧皮部数量丰富,对捕集没有影响,捕集阱的位置以及日光照射对捕集的影响很小。冬季砍伐了十二棵环树和29棵非环树并进行了采样。当年幼虫存在于100%的带环树和72%的非带环树中,但是环带的幼虫密度是非带环树的5倍。



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