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Energy on renewable sources: Prospects for the world and for Russia


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The outlook for global energy by the mid-21st century will largely depend on nontraditional energy sources, the role of which is growing rapidly already today. Colossal investments in the development of renewable energy sources (RESs) over the past 25-30 years have favored a technological leap, which has reduced the cost of energy by orders of magnitude. Some RESs approached traditional hydrocarbon energy by their economic indicators. The correct economic evaluation of prospects for RES development is a topical scientific and practical problem. Its solution will help, on the one hand, understand and measure the scale and depth of the effects of renewable energy sources on global and domestic energy and, on the other, evaluate the opportunities and prospects for the Russian Federation. The authors of this article analyze trends in RES development in global and domestic practice and recommend improvements to Russian policy in this sphere.
机译:到21世纪中叶,全球能源的前景将在很大程度上取决于非传统能源,而非传统能源的作用在今天已经迅速增长。在过去的 25-30 年中,对可再生能源 (RES) 开发的巨大投资有利于技术飞跃,从而将能源成本降低了几个数量级。一些可再生能源公司通过其经济指标接近传统的碳氢化合物能源。对可再生能源发展前景的正确经济评估是一个科学和实践的热门问题。其解决方案一方面将有助于了解和衡量可再生能源对全球和国内能源影响的规模和深度,另一方面有助于评估俄罗斯联邦的机遇和前景。本文的作者分析了全球和国内实践中可再生能源发展的趋势,并建议改进俄罗斯在这一领域的政策。



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