首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes >Identification of the structural elements of amphotericin B and other polyene macrolide antibiotics of the hepteane group influencing the ionic selectivity of the permeability pathways formed in the red cell membrane

Identification of the structural elements of amphotericin B and other polyene macrolide antibiotics of the hepteane group influencing the ionic selectivity of the permeability pathways formed in the red cell membrane


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The selectivity of the transmembrane permeability induced by polyene antibiotics was studied in human erythrocytes and related to the hemolytic potency of the drugs. The selectivity induced was differently, dependent on the antibiotic structure in aromatic (vacidin A, gedamycin) and nonaromatic heptaenes (amphotericin B, candidin). Aromatic heptaenes were more effective than nonaromatic in inducing permeability to K+. For both groups of antibiotics, permeability to K+ was not affected by substitution at the carboxyl group but important differences in the induction of permeability to H+, OH? and Cl? were found. The strongly hemolytic aromatic heptaenes vacidin A and gedamycin exhibited much higher protonophoric activity than the nonaromatic ones: amphotericin B, and candidin. The protonophoric properties of aromatic heptaenes were related to the presence of a free carboxyl group in the antibiotic molecule. Indeed the esterification or amidation of the carboxyl group of vacidin A or gedamycin eliminated the ability of the antibiotic to increase H+ conductance and consequently diminished their hemolytic activity to an important extent. Both groups of antibiotics differed also in the efficiency of anion permeability induction. Only unsubstituted aromatic heptaenes, at high concentration, induced Cl?OH? exchange and conductive flux of Cl? in a concentration-dependent manner. Substitution at the carboxyl group of vacidin A or gedamycin eliminated this property. Amphotericin B as well as its carboxyl-substituted derivatives formed a pathway characterized by low K+ over Cl? selectivity, whatever the concentration. The hemolytic activity, related to K+ permeability increased by heptaenes was dependent on simultaneous increase of the permeability to anions, and net KCl influx. Carboxyl-substituted derivatives of aromatic heptaenes presenting a remarkably high selectivity for K+, had consequently a very poor hemolytic activity.
机译:研究了多烯抗生素在人红细胞中诱导的跨膜通透性的选择性,并与药物的溶血能力有关。诱导的选择性不同,这取决于芳族化合物(vacidin A,gedamycin)和非芳族庚烯(amphotericin B,candidin)中的抗生素结构。芳族七烯在诱导对K +的渗透性方面比非芳族七烯更有效。对于两组抗生素,其对K +的渗透性都不受羧基取代的影响,但是在诱导对H +,OH 2的渗透性方面存在重要差异。和Cl?被找到。具有强溶血性的芳族七烯酸vacidin A和gedamycin的质子活性比非芳族的两性霉素B和candidin高得多。芳香族庚烯的质子性质与抗生素分子中游离羧基的存在有关。实际上,沃替丁A或格达霉素的羧基的酯化或酰胺化消除了抗生素增加H +电导的能力,因此在很大程度上降低了其溶血活性。两组抗生素的阴离子通透性诱导效率也不同。只有高浓度的未取代的芳族庚烯才诱导出Cl 2 OH 2。 Cl的交换和导电通量以浓度依赖的方式。在果酸A或庆大霉素的羧基上的取代消除了该特性。两性霉素B及其羧基取代的衍生物形成了一条以Cl +上的K +低为特征的途径。选择性,无论浓度如何。与庚烯增加的K +渗透性有关的溶血活性取决于同时增加对阴离子的渗透性和净KCl流入量。因此,芳香族庚烯的羧基取代衍生物对K +具有很高的选择性,因此其溶血活性非常差。



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