首页> 外文期刊>Equine Veterinary Journal >Monitoring bacterial contamination in equine platelet concentrates obtained by the tube method in a clean laboratory environment under three different technical conditions

Monitoring bacterial contamination in equine platelet concentrates obtained by the tube method in a clean laboratory environment under three different technical conditions


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Reasons for performing study: There is a growing interest in the use of autologous platelet concentrates (PCs) as treatment for chronic musculoskeletal diseases in horses. However, there is no information on the risk of bacterial contamination during their preparation.Objectives: To: 1) assess the risk of bacterial contamination in equine PCs obtained by the tube method under 3 technical conditions: a) in a laminar flow cabinet, in a clean laboratory environment both with (b) and without (c) Bunsen burner; 2) identify the critical points of the process of PCs preparation with risk of bacterial contamination; and 3) identify the potential bacterial contaminants in the process and their antibiotic susceptibility.Methods: Bacteriological samples were taken from: the skin (shaved or unshaved) of the venipuncture site in 15 horses, both before and after being disinfected; hands and throat of the operator; caps of the tubes where the blood was processed; environment where the equine blood samples were collected; laboratory environment; laminar flow cabinet; bacteriological stove; and PCs obtained under 3 technical conditions.Results: Bacteria were isolated from nonaseptically prepared equine skin, hands and throat of the operator, and the place where the blood samples were taken. Bacteria were not isolated from tube caps, laboratory environment, laminar flow cabinet or PCs. The isolated bacteria were normal biota from equine skin, human skin and throat, and environmental contaminants. Of the isolated bacteria, 23% were resistant to penicillin, 19% to ampicillin, 2.12% to ceftiofur, 3.2% to sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim and 1.1% to enrofloxacin. Resistance to amikacin and gentamicin was not seen.Conclusions and potential relevance: Uncontaminated PCs can be obtained by the tube method in a clean laboratory environment without the need for either a laminar flow cabinet or a Bunsen burner. It is mandatory to perform the procedure following strict aseptic technique.
机译:进行研究的理由:使用自体血小板浓缩液(PC)来治疗马的慢性肌肉骨骼疾病的兴趣日益浓厚。然而,目前尚无有关其制备过程中细菌污染风险的信息。目的:1)在3种技术条件下,评估通过管法获得的马PC中细菌污染的风险:a)在层流柜中,带有(b)和不带有(c)本生灯的清洁实验室环境; 2)确定制备PC的过程中存在细菌污染风险的关键点;方法:细菌学样本取自:15匹马的静脉穿刺部位的皮肤(剃毛或未剃毛),消毒前后。操作者的手和喉咙;处理血液的管帽;采集马血样本的环境;实验室环境;层流柜细菌炉结果:从非无菌制备的马皮肤,操作者的手和喉咙以及采集血样的地方分离出细菌。细菌未与管帽,实验室环境,层流柜或PC隔离。分离出的细菌是马皮肤,人的皮肤和喉咙以及环境污染物中的正常生物群。在分离出的细菌中,23%对青霉素耐药,19%对氨苄西林耐药,2.12%对头孢噻呋,3.2%对磺胺甲恶唑/甲氧苄啶和1.1%对恩诺沙星。结论和潜在的相关性:可以在洁净的实验室环境中通过管法获得未污染的PC,而无需层流柜或本生灯。必须遵循严格的无菌技术进行操作。



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