首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Use of cover habitat by bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, and lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, in a laboratory environment

Use of cover habitat by bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, and lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, in a laboratory environment

机译:在实验室环境中牛鳟,Salvelinus confluentus和湖鳟Salvelinus namaycush的掩体栖息地的使用

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Lacustrine-adfluvial bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, migrate from spawning and rearing streams to lacustrine environments as early as age 0. Within lacustrine environments, cover habitat provides refuge from potential predators and is a resource that is competed for if limiting. Competitive interactions between bull trout and other species could result in bull trout being displaced from cover habitat, and bull trout may lack evolutionary adaptations to compete with introduced species, such as lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush. A laboratory experiment was performed to examine habitat use and interactions for cover by juvenile (i.e., <80 mm total length) bull trout and lake trout. Differences were observed between bull trout and lake trout in the proportion of time using cover (F ,. = 20.08, P < 0.001) and bottom (F ,. = 37.01, P < 0.001) habitat, with bull trout using cover and bottom habitats more than lake trout. Habitat selection ratios indicated that bull trout avoided water column habitat in the presence of lake trout and that lake trout avoided bottom habitat. Intraspecific and interspecific agonistic interactions were infrequent, but approximately 10 times greater for intraspecific interactions between lake trout. Results from this study provide little evidence that juvenile bull trout and lake trout compete for cover, and that species-specific differences in habitat use and selection likely result in habitat partitioning between these species.
机译:Lacustrine-advivial牛鳟鱼Salvelinus confluentus早在0岁时就从产卵和饲养溪流迁移到湖水环境。在湖水环境中,掩盖栖息地为潜在的掠食者提供了避难所,并且是一种资源,如果有限制,则可以竞争。鳟鱼与其他物种之间的竞争性相互作用可能导致鳟鱼从隐蔽栖息地转移,并且鳟鱼可能缺乏进化适应性,无法与引进的物种竞争,例如湖鳟,Salvelinus namaycush。进行了一项实验室实验,以研究栖息地的利用以及幼年(即总长度<80毫米)牛鳟和湖鳟的相互作用。观察到的鳟鱼和湖鳟的时间比例不同,使用掩体(F = 20.08,P <0.001)和底部(F = 37.01,P <0.001)栖息地,而采用覆盖和底栖的牛鳟则不同。不仅仅是湖鳟。生境选择比率表明,在有鳟鱼的情况下,公牛鳟鱼避开了水柱栖息地,而在鳟鱼中避开了底部生境。种内和种间的激动相互作用很少见,但对于湖鳟之间的种内相互作用,则约大10倍。这项研究的结果几乎没有证据表明幼年公牛鳟鱼和湖鳟鱼争夺掩护,并且生境使用和选择的物种特异性差异可能导致这些物种之间的生境分配。



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