首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Cryptobenthic fishes and co-inhabiting shrimps associated with the mushroom coral Heliofungia actiniformis (Fungiidae) in the Davao Gulf, Philippines

Cryptobenthic fishes and co-inhabiting shrimps associated with the mushroom coral Heliofungia actiniformis (Fungiidae) in the Davao Gulf, Philippines

机译:菲律宾达沃湾的蘑菇珊瑚Heliungungia actiniformis(Fungiidae)相关的隐栖鱼类和同居虾

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The free-living solitary mushroom coral Heliofungia actiniformis resembles sea anemones by having large, fleshy polyps with long tentacles, which provide shelter to symbiotic organisms. Commensal shrimps are well studied, but little is known about associated fish fauna. Therefore, the associated fauna of 118 coral polyps of H. actiniformis was examined at a depth range of 4-28 m in the Davao Gulf, Philippines. The distribution of associated fishes and symbiotic invertebrates highly depended on the size of the coral host: Large corals polyps (> 18 cm) supported co-inhabiting fishes and commensal shrimps, medium-sized polyps (diameter 5-18 cm) hosted either fishes or shrimps, and small coral polyps ( 5 cm) were uninhabited. Fifteen fish species, representing the Apogonidae, Gobiidae, Labridae, and Pomacentridae, were found. Among these, the gobies Eviota lachdeberei and E. rubriceps, and the labrid Oxycheilius celebicus were most common, making up for 77 % of all fishes encountered. Total length of the fish ranged from 1 to 6 cm covering adult gobies and juveniles of the other families. Four species of commensal shrimps were hosted by the coral polyps. This study further constitutes the first record of brittle stars of the genus Ophiothrix (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) living among tentacles of H. actiniformis.
机译:自由生活的孤立蘑菇珊瑚Heliungungia actiniformis与海葵相似,具有长触手的大而肉质的息肉,为共生生物提供了庇护所。共生虾的研究很深入,但是对相关鱼类的了解却很少。因此,在菲律宾达沃湾的4-28 m深度范围内,检查了118株猕猴桃珊瑚息肉的相关动物区系。伴生鱼类和共生无脊椎动物的分布高度取决于珊瑚寄主的大小:大型珊瑚虫(> 18厘米)支持同居鱼类和共生虾,中型息肉(直径5-18厘米)以鱼类或鱼类为生。虾和小的珊瑚息肉(<5厘米)无人居住。发现了十五种鱼类,分别代表the科,戈壁科,唇形科和鳞翅目科。在这些当中,虾虎鱼Eviota lachdeberei和E. rubriceps,以及唇形的Oxycheilius celebicus是最常见的,占所遇到的所有鱼类的77%。鱼的总长度在1至6厘米之间,覆盖了成年的虎虾和其他家庭的幼鱼。珊瑚虫收容了四种共生虾。这项研究进一步构成了生活在猕猴桃触角之间的蛇鳞纲属(Echinodermata:Ophiuroidea)的脆性恒星的第一个记录。



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