首页> 外文期刊>Environmental and experimental botany >A novel optical interference technique to measure minute root elongations of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Seibold & Zucc.) seedlings infected with ectomycorrhizal fungi

A novel optical interference technique to measure minute root elongations of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Seibold & Zucc.) seedlings infected with ectomycorrhizal fungi

机译:一种新的光学干涉技术,可测量感染了外生菌根真菌的日本红松(Pinus densiflora Seibold&Zucc。)幼苗的微小根伸长

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This study presents a new technique to measure root elongation of Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Seibold & Zucc.) seedlings with very high sensitivity in the order of sub-nanometer by using a novel optical interference method called statistical interferometry. The principle of the statistical interferometry is based on the statistics of a speckle field, which is generated when a rough surface is illuminated by a laser light. The technique facilitates to obtain minute root elongation measurements in the order of sub-seconds. The root elongation behavior of Pinus densiflora seedlings infected with ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus sp. (Ps) and Cenococcum geophilum Fr. (Cg), was investigated in comparison with that of an uninfected control. In the experiments, two points on a root with the separation of 3mm were illuminated by laser beams and the elongation was measured continuously by analyzing speckle patterns successively taken by a CCD camera. The root elongation rate (RER), measured as the length of root elongation per second per millimeter (meanplS.D.) for Ps-infected, Cg-infected and uninfected seedlings were 10.85pl2.41, 5.54pl1.43, and 2.41pl1.01nmsp# mmp#, respectively. We found that the RERs of seedlings infected with ectomycorrhizal fungi were significantly higher than that of the uninfected seedlings, and the seedlings infected with Ps fungi showed the highest RER. We conducted another experiment to observe two-dimensional root growth, in which the growth measurements were obtained for 4 months. From this experiment, we observed that root growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi infected seedlings were higher than that of the uninfected seedlings. The evaluation of results from these two techniques proves that the proposed statistical interferometry is much faster and very sensitive technique, where the time required for growth monitoring is 10" times less than the other. We can conclude that, at the scale of either very short time or relatively long time, the symbiotic relationship between root and ectomycorrhiza has a positive effect steadily on the root elongation.
机译:这项研究提出了一种新技术,该技术通过使用一种称为统计干涉法的新型光学干涉方法,可以以亚纳米级的高灵敏度测量日本赤松(Pinus densiflora Seibold&Zucc。)幼苗的根伸长。统计干涉法的原理基于散斑场的统计,该散斑场是在粗糙表面被激光照射时产生的。该技术有助于获得亚秒级量级的微小根部伸长率测量值。被外生菌根真菌Pisolithus sp。感染的Pinus densiflora幼苗的根伸长行为。 (Ps)和Cenococcum geophilumFr。 (Cg)与未感染对照进行了比较。在实验中,用激光束照射距根部3mm处的两个点,并通过分析CCD相机连续拍摄的斑点图案来连续测量伸长率。根部伸长率(RER)以10.5pl2.41、5.54pl1.43和2.41pl1的Ps感染,Cg感染和未感染的幼苗的每秒每毫米的根伸长率(meanplS.D。)来衡量.01nmsp#mmp#。我们发现,外生菌根真菌感染的幼苗的RER明显高于未感染的幼苗,而Ps真菌感染的幼苗的RER最高。我们进行了另一个实验来观察二维根的生长,其中获得了4个月的生长测量值。从该实验中,我们观察到被外生菌根真菌感染的幼苗的根生长高于未感染的幼苗。对这两种技术的结果进行的评估证明,所提出的统计干涉测量技术是一种速度更快且非常灵敏的技术,其中生长监控所需的时间比另一种技术少10倍。我们可以得出结论,无论哪种方法,都非常短时间或相对较长的时间,根与外生菌根之间的共生关系对根伸长稳定具有积极作用。



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