首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Comparative oogenesis in cardinal fishes (Apogonidae, Perciformes), with special focus on the adaptive structures of the egg envelopes

Comparative oogenesis in cardinal fishes (Apogonidae, Perciformes), with special focus on the adaptive structures of the egg envelopes


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The present study compares gonad structure and oogenesis in 30 species of cardinal fish (Apogonidae) from the Indo-Pacific region. In all of the species studied the ovaries are bilobed, with each lobe possessing ovigerous lamellae whose numbers and dimensions increase concomitantly with growth of the fish and reproductive stage, and correlate with the total dimensions of the particular species. In species of the genus Siphamia, the ovarian lobes are associated with a fat body that is not found in species of the other genera studied. Some of the species studied (Siphamia spp.; Archamia spp.) demonstrate group-synchronized maturation of eggs, possibly with only one spawn per reproduction season. However, most of the Apogon spp., and other genera, have unsynchronized cycles, a characteristic of multiple spawners. The various stages of previtellogenic and vitellogenic development are similar in the different species, but differ in timing and dimensions of the oocytes around which the morphogenesis of the egg envelope (chorion) and follicle begins. Differentiation of the egg envelope and follicle cells parallels the vitellogenic stages of egg development. The number of eggs was found to correlate positively with the length of the body and ovary of the fish, whereas egg diameter was found to correlate negatively with body length. The surface of the egg envelope bears ridges that form patterns of various types, whose structures and dimensions seem to be species-specific, and which in most species converge upon the single micropyle on the animal pole. The exposed ridge mazes include a special fibrous web that anchors in the micropyle. The production and importance of these ridges, as well as the correlations between egg numbers per spawn, egg dimensions, and the oral dimensions of the paternal male, are discussed.
机译:本研究比较了来自印度太平洋地区的30种红衣主教鱼类(Apogonidae)的性腺结构和卵子发生。在所有研究的物种中,卵巢呈双叶状,每个叶都有卵生薄片,其数量和大小随鱼类的生长和生殖阶段而增加,并与特定物种的总大小相关。在Siphamia属的物种中,卵巢裂片与在其他研究属中未发现的脂肪体有关。一些被研究的物种(Siphamia spp .; Archamia spp。)显示了卵的组同步成熟,每个繁殖季节可能只有一个产卵。但是,大多数Apogon属和其他属具有不同步的周期,这是多个生成器的特征。在不同物种中,玻璃体形成和卵黄形成的不同阶段是相似的,但是卵囊(卵囊(绒毛膜)和卵泡)开始形成的卵母细胞的时间和大小不同。卵壳和卵泡细胞的分化与卵发育的卵黄形成阶段平行。发现卵的数量与鱼的体长和卵巢呈正相关,而卵的直径与体长呈负相关。卵壳的表面带有脊,这些脊形成各种类型的图案,其结构和尺寸似乎是特定于物种的,并且在大多数物种中,它们会聚在动物极上的单个小孔上。裸露的山脊迷宫包括一种特殊的纤维网,该纤维网锚固在微粒中。讨论了这些脊的产生和重要性,以及每个产卵的卵数,卵的大小以及父本雄性的口腔大小之间的相关性。



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