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Bridging the gap between forest conservation and poverty alleviation: The Ecuadorian Socio Bosque program


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The Socio Bosque program is a national conservation agreement scheme of the government of Ecuador. Socio Bosque consists of the transfer of a direct monetary incentive per hectare of native forest and other native ecosystems to individual landowners and local and indigenous communities who protect these ecosystems, through voluntary conservation agreements that are monitored on a regular basis for compliance. Two years after its creation, the program now includes more than half a million hectares of natural ecosystems and has over 60,000 beneficiaries. The characteristics of Socio Bosque make it a good example of a national conservation agreement scheme from which important lessons can be drawn: it is part of a clear government policy, combines ecosystem conservation with poverty alleviation, incentivizes and monitors local socio-economic investment, is transparent and straightforward, and has generated nation-wide participation of local and indigenous communities and farmer households. Socio Bosque furthermore sheds light on how benefit sharing mechanisms for national REDD+ strategies could work in practice.
机译:Socio Bosque计划是厄瓜多尔政府的一项国家保护协议计划。社会博斯克包括通过自愿性的保护协议,将每公顷原生林和其他原生生态系统的直接货币奖励转移给保护这些生态系统的个体土地所有者以及保护这些生态系统的地方和土著社区,以定期对其遵守情况进行监督。该计划创立两年后,目前包括超过半百万公顷的自然生态系统,并有超过60,000名受益者。 Socio Bosque的特征使其成为国家保护协议计划的一个很好的例子,可以从中汲取重要的教训:它是政府明确政策的一部分,将生态系统保护与扶贫相结合,激励和监督当地的社会经济投资,透明和直接,并已在全国范围内引起了地方和土著社区以及农户的参与。此外,Socio Bosque揭示了国家REDD +战略的利益共享机制如何在实践中发挥作用。



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