首页> 外文期刊>Environmental bioindicators >Multivariate Analysis of Sites Using Water Invertebrates and Land use as Indicators of the Quality of Biotopes of Mediterranean Relic Plant (Petagnaea gussonei, Apiaceae)

Multivariate Analysis of Sites Using Water Invertebrates and Land use as Indicators of the Quality of Biotopes of Mediterranean Relic Plant (Petagnaea gussonei, Apiaceae)

机译:利用无脊椎动物和土地利用作为地中海遗迹植物(Petagnaea gussonei,A科)生物群落质量指标的场所的多变量分析

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Petagnaea gussonei is a rhizomatous, perennial scapose hemicryptophyte species belonging to a monospecific genus of Apiaceae. It lives only along woodland rivulets and is a Tertiary relic localized in the restricted area of the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily, Italy). Ecological indicators have been employed to understand the status of eight localities (intermittent rivulets) where the species occurs. In order to evaluate both the rivulets' water-quality and landscape use, index of anthropisation (Ia), water fleas bioassay (TU), and analyses of water macroinvertebrates have been employed. The results obtained for the level of toxicity exclude the presence of macropollutants (TU < 0.001), whereas the analyses of the macroinvertebrates showed the occurrence of several microorganisms typical of altered environments. Correlations of the results about macroinvertebrates with those related to index of anthropisation for each site are positive. Levels of Ia range from 1.29 (minimum anthropisation) to 3.01 (maximum anthropisation), with a mean of 2.41. On the basis of such results, we can confirm the effectiveness of using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to analyze the status of water together with the other indices used to examine the ecological conditions of the biotopes where the plant occurs.
机译:Petagnaea gussonei是一种多年生根茎状的半隐生植物,属于伞形科的单特异性属。它仅沿林地小溪生活,是第三纪遗物,位于内布罗迪山脉(意大利西西里岛)的禁区。已采用生态指标来了解该物种发生的八个地点(间歇性小溪)的状况。为了评估小河的水质和景观利用,采用了人类活动指数(Ia),水蚤生物测定法(TU)以及水无脊椎动物的分析。毒性水平获得的结果排除了大污染物的存在(TU <0.001),而对大无脊椎动物的分析表明存在几种典型的环境变化微生物。每个地点有关大型无脊椎动物的结果与与人类活动指数相关的结果都是正相关的。 Ia的水平范围从1.29(最小人类化)到3.01(最大人类化),平均值为2.41。根据这些结果,我们可以确认使用大型无脊椎动物作为生物指标来分析水的状况以及用于检查植物所在生物群落生态条件的其他指标的有效性。



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