首页> 外文期刊>Environment and Ecology >Correlation Coefficient on Different Quantitative Characters of Capsularis and Olitorius Jute Grown under Red and Laterite Zones of West Bengal for Seed Production

Correlation Coefficient on Different Quantitative Characters of Capsularis and Olitorius Jute Grown under Red and Laterite Zones of West Bengal for Seed Production


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Correlation coefficients of seven quantitative characters were studied in eight standard varieties of iute four ftorn capsuiaris and other four from olitorius jute separately. Seed yield showed highly significant positive correlation with plant heightand branch number per plant in both the species of jute. Besides, in olitorius it showed similar association with pods per plant and highly significant negative correlation with pods oer branch Seed yield in both the species showed non-significant positive association with seeds per pod Seeds per pod showed significant negative association with pods per plant and pods per branch in capsularis lute while in olitorius it showed highly significant positive association with pods per plant and hiehiv significant negative association with days to 50% flowering. Plant height in capsuiaris jute showed hiehlv significant negative association with pods per plant, pods per branch and days to 50% flowering but in olitorius jute it showed highly significant positive aviation with branch number per plant and pods per plant and Mghly significant negative correlation only with pods per branch. Pods per branch showed highly significant positive correlation with pods per plant in capsulans but in olttonus it showed highly negative association with branch number and pods per plant.



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