首页> 外文期刊>Environment and Ecology >Biotechnological Approaches for Re-vegetation of Wastelands with Special Reference to Mine Spoils

Biotechnological Approaches for Re-vegetation of Wastelands with Special Reference to Mine Spoils


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Wastelands may be idle due to inherent environmental or anthropogenic factors. Wasteland is generally defined as land which is degraded, depleted, eroded, spoiled, lying idle and so cannot be put to use. The total area under this category is about 183.9 m hectare which is more than 50% of the total geographical area of the country. The cultivable area is decreasing because of increasing urbanization, mining and other economic activities besides informal land use. The wastelands/degraded lands have been created mainly due to deforestation leading to soil erosion, adoption of intensive agricultural practices resulting in nutrient deficient soils, desertification, mining and industrial activity besides natural degraded lands. The productivity of theselands is so low that they are economically unviable. Due to lack of proper water and soil management practices, these wastelands are currently under-utilized. To meet the ever increasing demand for food, fodder and fuel, these degraded lands are to be put to some agricultural activities either growing crops or trees by adopting some eco-friendly techniques of re-vegetation as indicated below : Adoption of soil and water conservation measures; scientific methods of water management with adequate drainage; integrated nutrient management practices; judicious use of poor quality waters; use of effective amendments for problem soils; adoption of sound cropping systems in eco-fragile lands.



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