首页> 外文期刊>Journal of spacecraft and rockets >Plasma response to jump of insulator surface potential in ionospheric plasma environment

Plasma response to jump of insulator surface potential in ionospheric plasma environment


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Once an arc occurs on a solar array in low Earth orbit, it might grow by taking charges from a remotely located insulator through a current path formed by the plasma. A laboratory experiment and a computer simulation are carried out to study the response of plasma to a sudden potential change of the insulator surface induced by arcing on a solar array in low-Earth-orbit plasma environment. The experiment gives an artificial potential jump to the insulator surface. The simulation employs a Monte Carlo particle-in-cell method in axisymmetrical two-dimensional space that simulates the laboratory experiment. When a set of simulation parameters as close as possible to the experiment is used, the unsteady response of the plasma observed in the experiment is reproduced very well. Once the insulator surface potential jumps up due to arcing, a positive sheath develops. If the neutral density is high enough to be of the order of magnitude of 10(18) m(-3), explosive expansion of the sheath is set off due to the feedback mechanism induced by ionization inside the sheath. The explosive sheath expansion alone, however, cannot explain the current path formation between the array and the insulator observed in the arcing experiment, and the importance of electrons ejected from the arc spot on the onset of arcing is pointed out. References: 12
机译:一旦在低地球轨道上的太阳能电池阵列上出现电弧,它可能会通过等离子体形成的电流路径从远程绝缘体中获取电荷而增长。通过实验室实验和计算机模拟,研究了等离子体对低地球轨道等离子体环境中太阳能电池阵列电弧引起的绝缘体表面突然电位变化的响应。该实验给出了人工电位跳到绝缘体表面。该模拟在轴对称二维空间中采用蒙特卡罗粒子单元方法,模拟实验室实验。当使用一组尽可能接近实验的模拟参数时,可以很好地再现实验中观察到的等离子体的非定常响应。一旦绝缘体表面电位因电弧而上升,就会形成正护套。如果中性密度足够高,达到10(18)m(-3)的数量级,则由于鞘内电离引起的反馈机制,鞘的爆炸性膨胀就会引发。然而,仅靠爆炸鞘膨胀并不能解释在电弧实验中观察到的阵列和绝缘体之间的电流路径形成,并指出了电弧开始时从电弧点喷出的电子的重要性。[参考资料: 12]



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