首页> 外文期刊>Entomophaga >Predators of Lymantria dispar (Lep. Lymantriidae) egg masses: spatio-temporal variation of their impact during the 1988-89 pest generation in the Mamora cork oak forest (Morocco).

Predators of Lymantria dispar (Lep. Lymantriidae) egg masses: spatio-temporal variation of their impact during the 1988-89 pest generation in the Mamora cork oak forest (Morocco).


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In the Mamora cork oak [Quercus suber] forest, Morocco, oophagous predators of Lymantria dispar are one of the main mortality factors influencing pest population dynamics. The predators destroy egg masses more by disrupting their cohesiveness than by predation. From 1987 to 1990, the impact of oophagous enemies significantly contributed to the collapse of a localized outbreak of L. dispar. Variation of egg mass dislocation intensity was greater between trees than among the different strata of a tree. The number of L. dispar egg masses and egg predator attacks increased when oaks were large and unhealthy. Forest degradation probably explains why egg mass destruction rates were so high (60 to 90% of the eggs) in the infested forest. Oophagous predators find food and shelter under the dehiscent bark of unhealthy cork oaks.
机译:在摩洛哥的莫莫拉软木栎(栎栎)森林中,Lymantria dispar的美洲豹捕食者是影响害虫种群动态的主要死亡因素之一。掠食者通过破坏其凝聚力而不是掠食来破坏卵团。从1987年到1990年,食人鱼敌人的影响极大地推动了L. dispar局部爆发的崩溃。树木之间卵质量位错强度的变化大于树木不同层之间的变化。当橡树大且不健康时,L。dispar产卵量和捕食者的攻击次数增加。森林退化可能解释了为什么在出没的森林中卵的质量破坏率如此之高(占卵的60%至90%)。食肉性食肉动物在不健康的软木橡树的开裂树皮下找到食物和庇护所。



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