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New order for A.I. Systems: A.I. Systems received an order from Usinor-Sollac Lorraine (France)

机译:A.I.的新订单系统:A.I.系统收到Usinor-Sollac Lorraine(法国)的订单

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A.I. Systems a software company with a worldwide reputation for its steel industry solutions, wishes to announce that it has been retained by Usinor-Sollac Lorraine (France) for the purposes of improving its customer service, yield and cost efficiency by ordering a new scheduling system for the optimization for its continuous caster.The solution is based on the latest version of the Alpha Planner software, designed to handle the challenging task of continuous casting scheduling. It takes advantage of the modularity of the Steel Planner family of products, a standard set of packages that solve the complex scheduling problems of the steel industry. This proven solution has already been implemented in many steel companies over the world. Usinor-Sollac Lorraine (France) is already a user of other Steel Planner modules for several years.
机译:我作为一家在钢铁行业解决方案领域享誉全球的软件公司,Systems谨此宣布,该公司已被Usinor-Sollac Lorraine(法国)保留,目的是通过订购新的调度系统来改善其客户服务,产量和成本效率。该解决方案基于最新版本的Alpha Planner软件,旨在处理具有挑战性的连续铸造计划任务。它利用了Steel Planner产品系列的模块化功能,这是一套标准的软件包,可以解决钢铁行业复杂的调度问题。这一行之有效的解决方案已经在全球许多钢铁公司中实施。 Usinor-Sollac Lorraine(法国)已经使用Steel Planner的其他模块已有数年了。



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