首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines >Experimental Investigations of a Pulse Detonation Combustor Integrated with a Turbine

Experimental Investigations of a Pulse Detonation Combustor Integrated with a Turbine


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The experimental investigations of interaction of a pulse detonation combustor (PDC) with a single stage radial flow turbine of a turbocharger were performed to examine the operability that a turbomachinery such as a turbine could be used in the harsh pulsing flow of a pulse detonation engine (PDE). The effects of PDC operating parameters including fill fraction and equivalence ratio on peak pressure and peak pressure attenuation through a turbine were investigated. The fuel and oxidizer were liquid C{sub}8H{sub}16 and air. The experimental results show that the experimental rig can operate stably under the firing frequency up to 10 Hz. The turbine survives and functions after over 12,000 detonations event. The turbine extracts the energy of PDC exhaust to drive the compressor. Under the firing frequency of 10 Hz, compressor pressure ratio is 1.216, compressor power is 2.756 kW and compressor efficiency is 60.33%. The detonation wave is attenuated after expanding through the turbine. The peak pressure increases with increasing fill fraction, while the peak pressure firstly increases and then decreases with increasing equivalence ratio from 0.86 to 1.27. But peak pressure attenuation trend is opposite to that of peak pressure.
机译:进行了脉冲爆震燃烧器(PDC)与涡轮增压器的单级径向流涡轮机相互作用的实验研究,以检验可在脉冲爆震发动机的苛刻脉冲流中使用涡轮机等涡轮机械的可操作性( PDE)。研究了包括填充率和当量比在内的PDC操作参数对通过涡轮机的峰值压力和峰值压力衰减的影响。燃料和氧化剂为液态C {sub} 8H {sub} 16和空气。实验结果表明,该实验装置可以在高达10 Hz的发射频率下稳定运行。在超过12,000起爆炸事件之后,涡轮机得以幸存并运行。涡轮提取PDC排气的能量来驱动压缩机。在10 Hz的点火频率下,压缩机压力比为1.216,压缩机功率为2.756 kW,压缩机效率为60.33%。爆炸波在通过涡轮机膨胀后被衰减。峰值压力随着填充分数的增加而增加,而峰值压力则首先随着等当比的增加而增加,然后从0.86增加到1.27。但是峰值压力衰减趋势与峰值压力相反。



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