首页> 外文期刊>Endoscopy: Journal for Clinical Use Biopsy and Technique >Analysis of colonoscopic findings in the differential diagnosis between intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease.

Analysis of colonoscopic findings in the differential diagnosis between intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease are chronic inflammatory bowel disorders that are difficult to differentiate from one another. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of various colonoscopic findings in the differential diagnosis between intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Colonoscopic findings on initial work-up were prospectively recorded in patients with an initial diagnosis of either intestinal tuberculosis or Crohn's disease. These findings were analyzed after a final diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis (n = 44) or Crohn's disease (n = 44) had been made after follow-up. RESULTS: Four parameters (anorectal lesions, longitudinal ulcers, aphthous ulcers, and cobblestone appearance) were significantly more common in patients with Crohn's disease than in patients with intestinal tuberculosis. Four other parameters (involvement of fewer than four segments, a patulous ileocecal valve, transverse ulcers, and scars or pseudopolyps) were observed more frequently in patients with intestinal tuberculosis than in patients with Crohn's disease. We hypothesized that a diagnosis of Crohn's disease could be made when the number of parameters characteristic of Crohn's disease was higher than the number of parameters characteristic of intestinal tuberculosis, and vice versa. Making these assumptions, we calculated that the diagnosis of either intestinal tuberculosis or Crohn's disease would have been made made correctly in 77 of our 88 patients (87.5 %), incorrectly in seven patients (8.0 %), and would not have been made in four patients (4.5 %). CONCLUSIONS: A systematic analysis of colonoscopic findings is very useful in the differential diagnosis between intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease.
机译:背景和研究目的:肠结核和克罗恩氏病是一种慢性炎症性肠病,很难相互区分。本研究旨在评估各种结肠镜检查结果对肠结核和克罗恩病的鉴别诊断的价值。患者和方法:前瞻性记录在初步诊断为肠结核或克罗恩病的患者中的结肠镜检查结果。在随访后对肠道结核(n = 44)或克罗恩病(n = 44)进行最终诊断后,对这些发现进行了分析。结果:克罗恩病患者的四个参数(直肠病变,纵向溃疡,口疮,鹅卵石外观)比肠道结核患者更为常见。与克罗恩氏病患者相比,肠结核患者更经常观察到其他四个参数(涉及少于四个节段,回盲瓣膜扩大,横向溃疡以及疤痕或假息肉)。我们假设当克罗恩病的特征参数数量大于肠结核的特征参数数量时,可以做出克罗恩病的诊断,反之亦然。根据这些假设,我们计算出,在88例患者中有77例(87.5%)正确诊断了肠结核或克罗恩病,在7例患者中(8.0%)诊断了错误,而在4例中没有诊断出患者(4.5%)。结论:对结肠镜检查结果的系统分析对肠结核和克罗恩病的鉴别诊断非常有用。



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