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Gold Breaks the 1,200 dollars/oz Mark


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In early November the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made a surprising announcement that it had found a buyer for half of its long-planned bullion sale: India. That pushed gold prices up to l,063 dollars/oz and the prices continued to climb. During mid-November, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced that it would hold interest rates steady and gold climbed above 1,139 dollars/oz. On December 2, after Barrick announced it would close out its remaining price hedges, gold closed at 1,214.80 dollars/02, a new record. The Reserve Bank of India purchased 200 metric tons (mt) of gold from the IMF for 6.7 billion dollars. The sale surprised a lot of traders who expected China to make the bid. IMF had previously announced plans to sell more than 400 mt or an eighth of its total gold reserves to fund loans to poor countries. The deal now places India among the top 10 central banks.
机译:11月初,国际货币基金组织(IMF)意外宣布,已经为其长期计划的一半黄金销售找到了买家:印度。这将金价推高至l,063美元/盎司,金价继续攀升。 11月中旬,美国联邦储备委员会宣布将保持利率稳定,黄金价格攀升至1,139美元/盎司上方。 12月2日,在巴里克宣布将关闭其剩余的价格对冲之后,黄金收于1,214.80美元/ 02,创下新纪录。印度储备银行以67亿美元的价格从IMF购买了200公吨黄金。此次交易使许多希望中国竞标的交易员感到惊讶。基金组织此前曾宣布计划出售超过400公吨的黄金,占其黄金储备总量的八分之一,以资助向贫穷国家的贷款。现在,该交易使印度跻身十大中央银行之列。



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