首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Tidal Cycles of Total Particulate Mercury in the Jade Bay, Lower Saxonian Wadden Sea, Southern North Sea

Tidal Cycles of Total Particulate Mercury in the Jade Bay, Lower Saxonian Wadden Sea, Southern North Sea


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In this study, we evaluate the nature of the relationship between particulate matter and total mercury concentrations. For this purpose, we estimate both of the two values in water column over 12-h tidal cycles of the Jade Bay, southern North Sea. Total particulate mercury in 250 mL water samples was determined by oxygen combustion-gold amalgamation. Mercury contents varied from 63 to 259 ng/g suspended particulate matter (SPM) or 3.5-52.8 ng/L in surface waters. Total particulate mercury content (THgp) was positively correlated with (SPM), indicating that mercury in tidal waters is mostly associated with (SPM), and that tidal variations of total particulate mercury are mainly due to changes in (SPM) content throughout the tidal cycle. Maximum values for THgp were observed during mid-flood and mid-ebb, while the lowest values were determined at low tide and high tide. These data suggest that there are no mercury point sources in the Jade Bay. Moreover, the THgp content at low tide and high tide were significantly lower than the values recorded in the bottom sediment of the sampling site (> 200 ng/g DW), while THgp content during the mid-flood and mid-ebb were comparable to the THg content in the surface bottom sediments. Therefore, changes in THgp content in the water column due to tidal forcing may have resulted from re-suspension of underlying surface sediments with relatively high mercury content.
机译:在这项研究中,我们评估了颗粒物与总汞浓度之间关系的性质。为此,我们估计了北海南部翡翠湾在12小时的潮汐周期中水柱中的两个值。 250毫升水样中的总颗粒汞是通过氧气燃烧金融合法测定的。地表水中的汞含量从63到259 ng / g悬浮颗粒物(SPM)或3.5-52.8 ng / L不等。总颗粒汞含量(THgp)与(SPM)呈正相关,表明潮汐水中的汞主要与(SPM)相关,总颗粒汞的潮汐变化主要是由于整个潮汐中(SPM)含量的变化周期。在洪水中期和退潮期间观测到THgp的最大值,而在退潮和退潮时确定了最低值。这些数据表明玉湾没有汞点源。此外,在退潮和退潮时的THgp含量明显低于采样点底部沉积物中记录的值(> 200 ng / g DW),而洪水中期和退潮期间的THgp含量与表层底部沉积物中的THg含量。因此,潮汐强迫导致水柱中THgp含量的变化可能是由于重新悬浮了含汞量相对较高的下层表面沉积物所致。



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