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MALAYSIA: Petronas Struggles To Justify Canadian LNG Project As Province Locks In Long-Term Tax, Royalty Terms


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In signing a much-awaited memorandum of understanding (MOU) and two major agreements with Pacific NorthWest LNG (PNW) on May 20, the British Columbia government made good its promised support for the company’s proposed project to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) in northern BC for export to Asia. The documents also sent an important secondary message that the provincial government has bent over backwards to accommodate the company’s demands after a public airing of complaints and threats. Amid critics’ outcry of a sell-out, Premier Christy Clark boldly locked in provincial royalties, taxes, regulations and carbon terms for decades to entice PNW to invest another C$30 billion to launch the LNG project that includes an export terminal near Prince Rupert. Malaysian state energy firm Petronas, which owns a 62% stake in PNW, has already invested C$6 billion through its 2012 acquisition of the project’s upstream assets held by Progress Energy. (US$1=C$1.20).
机译:不列颠哥伦比亚省政府于5月20日与太平洋西北液化天然气(PNW)签署了期待已久的谅解备忘录(MOU)和两项主要协议,兑现了对该公司拟议中的液化天然气(LNG)生产计划的支持。卑诗省北部出口到亚洲。这些文件还发出了一个重要的次要信息,即省政府在公开播放投诉和威胁之后,已向后弯腰以适应公司的要求。在批评人士强烈抗议的同时,总理克里斯蒂•克拉克(Christy Clark)数十年来大胆地锁定了省级特许权使用费,税收,法规和碳排放条款,以诱使PNW再次投资300亿加元启动LNG项目,其中包括鲁珀特王子港附近的出口码头。马来西亚国家能源公司Petronas拥有PNW 62%的股份,该公司已通过2012年收购Progress Energy持有的项目上游资产,投资了60亿加元。 (US $ 1 = C $ 1.20)。



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