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Observations of Near-Surface Heat-Flux and Temperature Profiles Through the Early Evening Transition over Contrasting Surfaces


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Near-surface turbulence data from the Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) program are used to study countergradient heat fluxes through the early evening transition. Two sites, subjected to similar large-scale forcing, but with vastly different surface and sub-surface characteristics, are considered. The Playa site is situated at the interior of a large dry lakebed desert with high sub-surface soil moisture, shallow water table, and devoid of vegetation. The Sagebrush site is located in a desert steppe region with sparse vegetation and little soil moisture. Countergradient sensible heat fluxes are observed during the transition at both sites. The transition process is both site and height dependent. At the Sagebrush site, the countergradient flux at 5 m and below occurs when the sign change of the sensible heat flux precedes the local temperature gradient sign change. For 10 m and above, the countergradient flux occurs when the sign change of the sensible heat flux follows the local temperature gradient sign change. At the Playa site, the countergradient flux at all tower levels occurs when the sign change of the sensible heat flux follows the local temperature gradient sign change. The phenomenon is explained in terms of the mean temperature and heat-flux evolution. The temperature gradient sign reversal is a top-down process while the flux reversal occurs nearly simultaneously at all heights. The differing countergradient behaviour is primarily due to the different subsurface thermal characteristics at the two sites. The combined high volumetric heat capacity and high thermal conductivity at the Playa site lead to small vertical temperature gradients that affect the relative magnitude of terms in the heat-flux tendency equation. A critical ratio of the gradient production to buoyant production of sensible heat flux is suggested so as to predict the countergradient behaviour.
机译:来自山区地形大气建模和观测(MATERHORN)程序的近地表湍流数据用于研究傍晚过渡期间的反梯度热通量。考虑了两个地点,它们经历了相似的大规模强迫作用,但是具有不同的表面和亚表面特征。普拉亚(Playa)基地位于一片干燥的湖床沙漠内部,地下土壤湿度高,地下水位浅,没有植被。鼠尾草遗址位于荒漠草原地区,植被稀疏,土壤水分很少。在两个位置的过渡过程中都观察到了逆梯度的感热通量。过渡过程取决于地点和高度。在鼠尾草部位,当显热通量的符号变化先于局部温度梯度符号变化时,就会在5 m及以下出现反梯度通量。对于10 m及以上,当显热通量的符号变化遵循局部温度梯度符号变化时,就会出现反梯度通量。在Playa站点上,当显热通量的符号变化遵循局部温度梯度符号变化时,会在所有塔级产生反梯度通量。用平均温度和热通量演变来解释该现象。温度梯度符号反转是自顶向下的过程,而磁通反转几乎同时发生在所有高度。不同的反梯度行为主要是由于两个位置的地下热特性不同。普拉亚(Playa)地点的高体积热容和高导热率相结合,导致较小的垂直温度梯度,从而影响了热通量趋势方程中各项的相对大小。提出了显着热通量的梯度产生与浮力产生的临界比,以预测反梯度行为。



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