首页> 外文期刊>Electronics and Electrical Engineering >Experimental Research of Control Algorithm for Solar Assisted Hybrid Water Heating System

Experimental Research of Control Algorithm for Solar Assisted Hybrid Water Heating System


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District heating (DH) and domestic hot water (DHW) systems of Lithuanian cities and towns currently undergo process of renovation and alteration of the traditionally used fuels. First of all consumption of the expensive and dirty boilers' oil was reduced from 44.1% in 1998 up to 5.4% in 2009. Distribution of the fuels by type used in the Lithuanian DH systems in 2009 is shown in Fig. 1. Presently the main tasks of the Lithuanian heating economy renovation are implementation of the energy efficiency measures (first of all - relevant insulation of the heated buildings) and substitution of the expensive imported natural gas by the less polluting local renewable energy sources (RES). Share of renewable energy used for the DH and DHW production was progressively increasing during the last years step-by-step from 1.2% in 1997 up to 19.3% in 2009. According to the mentioned source of information, the main share of RES contribution to the heat energy production currently brings the wood fuel - 153450 toe or 90.15% of total RES fuels amount. Further development of CHP and DH systems in future years is also relied mostly on the wood and other types of biomass. We suggest taking into consideration other RES for including them into the space and DHW heating systems because of the following reasons: 1. Burning of wood and other types of biomass have some negative aspects (emissions of CO, NOx, VOCs, hard particles); 2. Utilisation of wood and wood residues from remote localities can be hard and expensive; 3. Some already existing heat energy technologies based on universally available solar irradiance can be used cost-effectively as independent heating systems or integrated into the hybrid heat energy installations; 4. Usage of wind energy for heating purposes can be also cost-effective in windy regions. Solar and wind energy technologies for generation of heat energy have a huge and untapped potential, which could be realised with benefit to environment and economy. Innovative heating systems exploiting wind and solar energy are considered in references [1-4]. In this paper results of solar assisted hybrid water heating system experimental research are presented.
机译:立陶宛城镇的区域供热(DH)和生活热水(DHW)系统目前正在对传统使用的燃料进行翻新和改造。首先,昂贵和肮脏的锅炉油的消耗量从1998年的44.1%下降到2009年的5.4%。2009年立陶宛DH系统使用的燃料类型分布如图1所示。立陶宛供热经济改造的任务是实施能源效率措施(首先是对采暖建筑进行相关的隔热),并用污染较少的本地可再生能源(RES)代替昂贵的进口天然气。在过去的几年中,用于生产DH和DHW的可再生能源的份额逐步增加,从1997年的1.2%上升到2009年的19.3%。根据上述信息来源,RES对目前,热能生产带来的木质燃料为153450趾,占RES燃料总量的90.15%。未来几年,CHP和DH系统的进一步发展也主要依靠木材和其他类型的生物质。由于以下原因,我们建议考虑将其他RES纳入空间和DHW加热系统:1.燃烧木材和其他类型的生物质具有某些负面影响(CO,NOx,VOC,硬颗粒的排放); 2.利用偏远地区的木材和木屑可能既困难又昂贵。 3.基于普遍可用的太阳辐照度的一些已经存在的热能技术可以成本有效地用作独立的加热系统,或集成到混合热能装置中; 4.在多风地区,将风能用于供热也可能具有成本效益。用于产生热能的太阳能和风能技术具有巨大而尚未开发的潜力,可以通过对环境和经济的惠益来实现。在参考文献[1-4]中考虑了利用风能和太阳能的创新供暖系统。本文介绍了太阳能辅助混合热水系统的实验研究结果。



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