首页> 外文期刊>Egyptian Journal of Agronomy >Evaluation of Sowing in Ellis on Ridges as a New Technique for Enhancement of Wheat (Tnticum aestivum L.) Productivity under Weed Control Treatments

Evaluation of Sowing in Ellis on Ridges as a New Technique for Enhancement of Wheat (Tnticum aestivum L.) Productivity under Weed Control Treatments

机译:杂草控制处理下提高埃利斯(Etticum aestivum L.)生产力的新技术在埃利斯(Ellis)垄上播种的评价

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TWO FIELD experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of sowing wheat in hills 20 cm apart on different spaced ridges method on the productivity of wheat crop under different mechanical and chemical weed control treatments. Twenty four treatments which were the combinations of 4 sowing methods (hills in two rows on ridges 60 cm, hills in two rows on ridges 70 cm, hills in three rows on ridges 80 cm and broadcast) and 6 weed control treatments (one hand hoeing at 3 or 4 weeks after wheat sowing (WAS), two hand hoeing at 3 and 6 WAS, isoproturon, metosulam and unweeded check) were tried. The obtained results indicated that the lowest dry weights of weeds were recorded under broadcast or ridges 80 cm width sowing methods. Sowthistle (Conchrusoleraces L.) weed and grasses were not significantly influenced by sowing methods. Excellent weed control was achieved by two hand hoeing at 3 and 6 WAS. Application of isoproturon or metosulam herbicide gave satisfactory weed control similar to application of one hand hoeing made at 3 or 4 WAS. The heaviest biological yield was obtained under broadcast sowing methods. No significant differences in biological yield per acre were noticed between broadcast and ridges 80 cm sowing methods as well as between 60 cm and 70 cm ridges sowing methods. The maximum grain yield per acre was produced from plants sown in hills on three rows of 80 cm ridges, which significantly exceeded that of broadcast, 70 cm and 60 cm ridges sowing methods by 10, 14 and 23%, respectively. All weed control treatments caused a significant increment in grain yield over unweeded check. Controlling weeds using two hand hoeing produced the greatest grain yield over unweeded treatment by 52% and surpassed the other weed control treatments. The interaction between sowing methods and weed control treatments had significant effect on number of grains per spike and harvest index. It could be concluded that planting wheat in hills on three rows of 80 cm ridges and controlling associated weeds by hand hoeing twice produced the highest grain yield. In ridge sowing methods fertilizing was easer, controlling weeds by hand hoeing was easier and more efficient and water requirement and can support several crops in complex relays or intercroppingand rotation.
机译:进行了两个田间试验,研究了在不同的机械和化学除草措施下,在间隔20 cm的丘陵上播种的小麦,采用不同的垄距方式对小麦作物的生产力产生了影响。 24种处理方法是4种播种方法(60厘米垄上两行丘陵,70厘米垄上两行丘陵,80厘米垄上三行丘陵和播种)和6种除草处理(一只手hoe地)的组合在小麦播种(WAS)后第3或4周,尝试在3和6 WAS时用两只手,异丙隆,metosulam和无杂草检查)。获得的结果表明,在播种或垄80厘米宽的播种方法下,记录了最低的杂草干重。 ow草(Conchrusoleraces L.)的杂草和草不受播种方法的影响。通过在3和6 WAS时进行两只hand草,实现了出色的杂草控制。异丙酯或美索拉姆除草剂的施用可令人满意地控制杂草,类似于在3或4 WAS下单手application头的施用。通过广播播种方法可获得最大的生物产量。播种和垄80 cm播种方法以及垄距60 cm和70 cm播种方法之间,每英亩的生物产量均无显着差异。每英亩的最大谷物产量是由三行80厘米垄上的山丘上种植的植物产生的,分别比播种,70厘米和60厘米垄上的播种方法分别高出10%,14%和23%。与非杂草检查相比,所有杂草控制处理均导致谷物产量显着增加。与未除草处理相比,使用两只手进行防除杂草可产生最大的谷物产量,并且超过了其他除草处理。播种方法和杂草控制处理之间的相互作用对每个穗粒数和收获指数有显着影响。可以得出结论,在三行80厘米的山脊上的小山上种植小麦,并通过两次耕来控制相关的杂草,谷物产量最高。在垄作播种方法中,施肥更容易,by草控制杂草更容易,更有效,而且需水量大,可以在复杂的中转或间作和轮作中支持多种作物。



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