首页> 外文期刊>International journal of mental health >Fetal Alcohol Disorder in the French Addiction Management System

Fetal Alcohol Disorder in the French Addiction Management System


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ABSTRACT: Prenatal exposure to alcohol can cause serious birth defects, of which fetal alcohol syndrome is the most severe and visible. In addition to structural abnormalities, such as facial dysmorphia and organ malformation, fetal alcohol syndrome is associated with constantly present neurocognitive deficits. Many cases, however, lack the characteristic facial defects and growth deficiency but present the secondary neurocognitive disabilities. These compromised neurological capabilities are responsible for learning disabilities and maladaptive social behaviors that have grave consequences on the family, professional, social and judicial aspects the individuals' future. The secondary disabilities experienced as a result of prenatal exposure to alcohol can increase an individual's vulnerability to substance abuse, which may at some point in life lead the individual to seek assistance at addiction treatment centers. Public health professionals need to anticipate this need and implement measures for the prevention, examination, and structures for the support and orientation of these individuals.



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