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Behind the WTO riots: the US prepares for war in the cities


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In March 1999, the US Marine Corps staged a practice invasion of the San Francisco Bay Area with a fleet of five battleships, gigantic LCAC hovercraft, dozens of helicopters, hundreds of combat-equipped Marines and 6,000 sailors. For four days, the smoke and explosions of simulated combat rattled the tranquility of the "invasion" site - an abandoned naval hospital in the Oakland Hills. The exercise, complete with the firing of 32,000 rounds of blanks, took place within sight of a local high school and within earshot of the Oakland Zoo. It was estimated that the Corps' invading trucks, tanks, ships and landing craft turned 18,063.3 gallons of fuel into 1.21 tons of air pollution. (Pollution from aircraft was not included.) The nitrous oxides produced were estimated to be 3.4 times greater than the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's "significant threshold."
机译:1999年3月,美国海军陆战队以5艘战列舰,巨型LCAC气垫船,数十架直升机,数百名配备战斗力的海军陆战队和6,000名水手组成的舰队,对旧金山湾区进行了演习入侵。在四天的时间里,模拟战斗的烟雾和爆炸震撼了“入侵”基地的宁静。“入侵”基地是奥克兰山上一所废弃的海军医院。这次演习是在当地一所高中的视线范围内以及奥克兰动物园的视线范围内进行的,共发射了32,000发毛坯。据估计,兵团入侵的卡车,坦克,轮船和登陆艇将18,063.3加仑的燃料变成了1.21吨空气污染。 (不包括来自飞机的污染。)据估计,产生的一氧化二氮比湾区空气质量管理区的“重要阈值”高3.4倍。



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