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Tsunami source of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes inferred from offshore tsunami and coastal tide gauges


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Tsunamis from the 2004 off the Kii Peninsula earthquakes (M 7.1 and 7.4) were recorded on offshore tsunami gauges. a GPS tsunami gauge and eight bottom-pressure gauges, as well as coastal tide gauges located South Of Honshu and Shikoku. The maximum amplitudes on the GPS and bottom-pressure gauges were several to ten cm. while those on tide gauges were LIP to 0.9 m. We first computed tsunami waveforms from the earthquake Source models proposed Yamanaka (2004) and Yagi (2004) from seismic waveform analysis, and compared them with the observed waveforms. For the first event (foreshock), both models produce similar waveforms with the observations. For the second event (mainshock), the waveforms Computed from the Yamanaka model is closer to the observed waveforms, but there are still discrepancies between the observed and computed waveforms. We then performed tsunami waveform inversions to estimate the water height distributions in the source area. The foreshock Source is similar to 1600 km(2) with the maximum water height of 0.2 m. The estimated tsunami source area for the mainshock. similar to 3600 km(2) with the maximum of 0.6 m, extends similar to 60 km toward northwest and similar to 40 km southwest from the epicenter along the aftershock distribution, suggesting that multiple faulting was involved in the mainshock.
机译:在离岸海啸仪上记录了2004年基伊半岛地震(海啸7.1和7.4)以来发生的海啸。一个GPS海啸仪和八个底压仪,以及位于本州以南和四国南部的沿海潮汐仪。 GPS和底部压力计的最大振幅为几到十厘米。潮位计上的水深为0.9 m。我们首先根据地震波形分析中的Yamanaka(2004)和Yagi(2004)提出的地震震源模型计算海啸波形,并将其与观测到的波形进行比较。对于第一次事件(前震),两个模型都产生与观测值相似的波形。对于第二个事件(主震),从Yamanaka模型计算出的波形更接近于观测到的波形,但是观测到的波形与计算出的波形之间仍然存在差异。然后,我们进行了海啸波形反演,以估算源区的水高分布。前震源类似于1600 km(2),最大水高为0.2 m。主震的估计海啸源面积。类似于余震3600 km(2),最大0.6 m,从震中沿震后分布向西北延伸约60 km,向西南延伸约40 km,这表明主震涉及多个断层。



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