首页> 外文期刊>Earth, planets and space: EPS >Source process of the recurrent Tokachi-oki earthquake on September 26, 2003, inferred from teleseismic body waves

Source process of the recurrent Tokachi-oki earthquake on September 26, 2003, inferred from teleseismic body waves


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On September 26, 2003, a large earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 occurred along the Kuril trench off Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan. We investigated the source process by using teleseismic P- and SH-wave data. The main source parameters are as follows: the seismic moment 10 1021 Nm (Mw = 80); (strike, dip, rake) =(230°, 20°, 109°); the depth of initial break point 25 km; source duration 40 sec; and the maximum slip 5.8 m. We estimated the fault area to be 90 70 km~2 , the average slip 2.6 m, and the stress drop 5.0 MPa. This earthquake was an interplate earthquake associated with the subduction of the Pacific plate. The rupture propagated northward from a shallow to a deep region. In this area, a great earthquake (magnitude 8.2) occurred in 1952. We also made limited inversion of nearfield records of the 1952 event and found that the 2003 asperity was also ruptured in 1952. Our result suggests that the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake was a recurrent event of the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake.
机译:2003年9月26日,日本北海道十胜附近的千岛海沟发生了8.0级大地震。我们使用远震P波和SH波数据调查了震源过程。主要震源参数如下:地震矩10 1021 Nm(Mw = 80); (打击,俯仰,倾斜)=(230°,20°,109°);初始断点深度25 km;源持续时间40秒;最大滑差5.8 m。估计断层面积为90 70 km〜2,平均滑动2.6 m,应力降为5.0 MPa。这次地震是板块间地震,与太平洋板块俯冲有关。破裂从浅部向深部向北扩展。在该地区,1952年发生了8.2级大地震。我们还对1952年事件的近场记录进行了有限的反演,发现2003年的凹凸不平也在1952年破裂。我们的结果表明,2003年的十胜奇地震是1952年十胜冈地震的反复事件。



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