首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Contamination of Toxic Volatile and Semi-Volatile Compounds from Automobile Materials

Contamination of Toxic Volatile and Semi-Volatile Compounds from Automobile Materials


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Automobile industry has been rapidly developed and pollution it may bring to the environment has been a big concern. For decades, focus has been put on the fuels that autos are using and alternative fuels have been investigated. Researchers have alsoconcerned about materials used in automobiles that may contain detrimental compounds and bring in potential risks to people's health (Elke et al. 1998; Guadarrama et al. 2002). Volatile or semi-volatile toxic substances are more likely to release to either the cabins of cars or straight to the atmosphere. Odors as well as toxic compounds in the cabins of cars and outer layer, may have adverse effects to drivers and passengers, even more, when releasing to the outdoor atmosphere, they will affect more people at a much larger scale. Materials used in cars can fall into varieties of categories of different chemical compounds. As a consequence, to monitor compounds released from automobile materials is a challenge for analytical chemists given that samplematrix can be extremely complicated and level of compounds involved can be very low. Therefore, it requires an analytical method to be both sensitive and as less influenced by the matrix as possible.
机译:汽车工业发展迅速,可能给环境带来的污染一直是人们关注的重点。几十年来,人们一直将重点放在汽车使用的燃料上,并对替代燃料进行了研究。研究人员还关注了用于汽车的材料,这些材料可能含有有害化合物并给人们的健康带来潜在风险(Elke等,1998; Guadarrama等,2002)。挥发性或半挥发性的有毒物质更可能释放到汽车车厢或直接排放到大气中。车厢和外层的气味以及有毒化合物可能对驾驶员和乘客产生不利影响,甚至更多,当释放到室外大气中时,它们将以更大的规模影响更多的人。汽车中使用的材料可以分为不同化学化合物的类别。因此,鉴于样品基质可能非常复杂且涉及的化合物含量可能非常低,因此监测汽车材料中释放的化合物是分析化学家的一项挑战。因此,它要求一种分析方法既灵敏又受基质影响尽可能小。



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