首页> 外文期刊>Egyptian Journal of Horticulture >Effect of spraying some chemical substances on flowering, fruit set, fruit drop, yield and fruit quality of Taimour mango trees

Effect of spraying some chemical substances on flowering, fruit set, fruit drop, yield and fruit quality of Taimour mango trees


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Mature Taimour mango trees were sprayed with different chemical substances during 1992/93 and 93/94 seasons. Results indicated that application of NAA at 200 ppm + ethrel at 500 ppm once in November per season as well as S_(3307)D at 500 ppm + ethrel at 500 ppm twice in December per season advanced the time of flower bud opening and gained the lowest percentage of malformed panicles, greatest percentage of perfect flowers and lowest sex expression ratio (male/perfect). In addition, they reduced fruit drop % at pea stage and maximized fruit retention% at harvest stage and also increased tree yield than the control in both seasons. Moreover, these treatments increased fruit and pulp weight, TSS% and TSS/acid ratio in fruit juice, but failed to affect significantly fruit diameter, fruit shape, seed weight and acidity % in fruit juice.
机译:在1992/93和93/94季节,成熟的Taimour芒果树被喷上了不同的化学物质。结果表明,每个季节11月一次施用200 ppm +乙醛500 ppm的NAA以及每个季节12月两次施用500 ppm +乙醛500 ppm的S_(3307)D可以延长花蕾的开放时间并获得畸形圆锥花序的最低百分比,完美花的百分比最大,性别表达比(男性/完美个体)最低。此外,在两个季节中,它们均降低了豌豆期的落果率,并在收获期最大程度地保留了果实,并提高了树木产量。而且,这些处理增加了果汁中的水果和果肉重量,TSS%和TSS /酸比率,但是没有显着影响果汁中的水果直径,果实形状,种子重量和酸度%。



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