首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Characteristics, distribution and geomorphic role of large woody debris in a mountain stream of the Chilean Andes

Characteristics, distribution and geomorphic role of large woody debris in a mountain stream of the Chilean Andes


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The paper presents an analysis of amounts, characteristics and morphological impact of large woody debris (LWD) in the Tres Arroyos stream, draining an old-growth forested basin (9.1 km(2)) of the Chilean Southern Andes. Large woody debris has been surveyed along a 1-5 km long channel section with an average slope of 0-07 and a general step-pool/cascade morphology. Specific wood storage is very high (656-710 m(3) ha(-1)), comparable to that recorded in old-growth forested basins in the Pacific Northwest. Half of the LWD elements were located on the active floodplain, and around two-thirds of LWD elements were found in accumulations. Different types of log jam were observed, some heavily altering channel morphology (log-steps and valley jams), while others just line the channel edges (bankfull bench jams). Log-steps represent approximately 22% of all steps, whereas the elevation loss due to LWD (log-steps and valley jams) results in 27% loss of the total stream potential energy. About 1600 m(3) of sediment is stored in the main channel behind LWD structures, corresponding to approximately 150% of the annual sediment yield. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文介绍了Tres Arroyos流中大量木屑(LWD)的数量,特征和形态学影响的分析,该流排放了智利南部安第斯山脉的老林森林盆地(9.1 km(2))。已对1-5公里长的河道断面进行了大型木屑的调查,平均坡度为0-07,阶跃池/梯级形态一般。特定的木材存储量非常高(656-710 m(3)ha(-1)),与西北太平洋地区老龄森林盆地中记录的木材相当。 LWD元素的一半位于活跃的洪泛区,在堆积物中发现了约三分之二的LWD元素。观察到了不同类型的原木堵塞,其中一些严重改变了通道的形态(对数阶跃和谷底堵塞),而其他仅在通道边缘排成一列(堤满台堵塞)。对数阶跃约占所有阶跃的22%,而LWD(对数阶跃和谷底堵塞)引起的高程损失导致总流势能损失27%。在随钻测井结构后面的主河道中存储着约1600 m(3)的沉积物,大约相当于年沉积物产量的150%。版权所有(C)2007 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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