
Holocene flood histories in south-western USA


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River basins in south-western USA are some of the most extensively studied arid land fluvial systems in the world. Since the early 1960s their hydro-climatic histories have been reconstructed from the analysis of alluvial cut-and-fill cycles, while from the late 1970s there have been investigations of slackwater deposits and palaeostage indicators for large floods in stable-boundary bedrock reaches. However, no studies have regionally integrated Holocene fluvial histories from these two different types of fluvial environments. The current study combines the alluvial archive with flood records from bedrock reaches to generate a probability-based 12,000 year record of flooding in south-western USA. Using more than 700 C-14-dated fluvial units, the analysis produces a high resolution (centennial) flood record. Seven episodes of increased flooding occurred at 11,250-10,400,8800-8350, 8230-7600, 6700-5700, 5600-4820, 4550-3320 and 2000-0 cal. BP. Bedrock reaches are found to record more frequent floods during the middle to late Holocene, while in alluvial rivers more flood units are dated to the early and middle Holocene. These differences are primarily the result of selective preservation with alluvial reaches tending to erode during periods characterised by very large floods. Episodes of major Holocene flooding recorded in slackwater deposits within bedrock systems correspond with periods of increased precipitation in the region and lower temperatures. In contrast, within alluvial rivers above-average flooding probabilities, as well as regionally extensive channel entrenchment episodes, match with reduced annual precipitation and lower temperatures. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the value of the Holocene fluvial archive for reconstructing regional, short-term hydro-climatic change in south-western USA. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:美国西南部的流域是世界上研究最广泛的干旱土地河流系统。自1960年代初以来,通过对冲积充填周期的分析就重建了它们的水文气候历史,而从1970年代后期开始,就对稳定边界基岩河段的大洪水进行了松弛水沉积和古阶段指标的研究。但是,尚无研究从这两种不同类型的河流环境中对区域全新世河流历史进行整合。当前的研究将冲积资料与基岩河段的洪水记录结合起来,以基于概率的方式记录了美国西南部12,000年的洪水记录。使用700多个C-14日期的河流单元,该分析产生了高分辨率(百年纪念)洪水记录。洪水泛滥的七个事件发生在11,250-10,400,8800-8350、8230-7600、6700-5700、5600-4820、4550-3320和2000-0卡。 BP。人们发现,基岩河段在全新世中期至晚期记录了更频繁的洪水,而在冲积河流中,更多的洪水单元可追溯到全新世早期和中期。这些差异主要是由于洪水泛滥时期有冲积作用的河段被侵蚀而造成的。基岩系统内稀水沉积物中记录的全新世大洪水的发生与该地区降水增加和温度较低的时期相对应。相比之下,在冲积河流中,洪水概率高于平均水平,以及区域范围内广泛的河道固结事件,都与年降水量减少和温度降低相匹配。这项研究的结果清楚地证明了全新世河流档案对于重建美国西南部区域性,短期水文气候变化的价值。版权所有(C)2010 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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