
Coastal profile response to sea level rise: A process-based approach


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Prevailing ideas and calculations of coastal response to sea level rise (SLR) are often based on the Bruun model (Bruun P., Sea-level rise as a cause of shore erosion, Journal Waterways Harbors Division, ASCE 88: 117-130, 1962) that predicts upward and landward transfer of an equilibrium profile during SLR through offshore sediment transport on the shoreface. The model is based on a number of assumptions of questionable validity as well as outdated concepts on how sediment is transported across the shoreface. This contribution takes a numerical modelling approach that is based on first-order processes contributing to the movement of sediment across the shoreface. Using a wave transformation model that predicts hydrodynamic processes driving cross-shore sediment transport and an energetics-based model for the coupling between hydrodynamics and sediment transport, we show that cross-shore sediment transport is mainly onshore directed at the boundary between the lower and the upper shoreface, in agreement with the model proposed by Davidson-Arnott (Conceptual model of the effects of sea level rise on sandy coasts, Journal of Coastal Research 21: 1166-1172, 2005). The transition from onshore to offshore directed transport is located well within the surf zone and with a rising sea level this transition point becomes displaced landward and upward. Tests also show that substrate slope is of fundamental importance to the manner in which beaches react to rising sea level.
机译:沿海地区对海平面上升(SLR)的反应的普遍想法和计算方法通常基于Bruun模型(Bruun P.,海平面上升是造成海岸侵蚀的原因,Journal Waterways Harbors Division,ASCE 88:117-130,1962 )预测SLR期间通过海岸面的近海沉积物输送来平衡分布的向上和向下转移。该模型基于有效性可疑的许多假设以及有关沉积物如何在岸上运输的过时概念。该贡献采用了基于一阶过程的数值建模方法,该过程有助于沉积物在岸上的运动。使用预测驱动跨岸泥沙运移的水动力过程的波变换模型和流体动力学与泥沙运移之间耦合的基于能量学的模型,我们显示出跨岸泥沙运移主要是在陆上,指向下部和下部边界之间的边界。与戴维森-阿诺特(Davidson-Arnott)提出的模型(海平面上升对沙质海岸的影响的概念模型,Journal of Coastal Research 21:1166-1172,2005)一致。从陆上到海上定向运输的过渡恰好位于冲浪区内,并且随着海平面的上升,该过渡点逐渐向内和向上移位。测试还表明,底物坡度对于海滩对海平面上升的反应方式至关重要。



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