
Aeolian sediment transport on a human-altered foredune


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Changes in wind speed and sediment transport are evaluated at a gap and adjacent crest of a 2 to 3 m high, 40 m wide foredune built by sand fences and vegetation plantings on a wide, nourished fine sand beach at Ocean City, New Jersey. Anemometer masts, cylindrical sand traps and erosion pins were placed on the beach and dune during two obliquely onshore wind events in February and March 2003. Results reveal that: (1) changes in the along-shore continuity of the beach and dune system can act as boundaries to aeolian transport when winds blow at an angle to the shoreline; (2) oblique winds blowing across poorly vegetated patches in the dune increase the potential for creating an irregular crest elevation; (3) transport rates and deflation rates can be greater within the foredune than on the beach, if the dune surface is poorly vegetated and the beach has not had time to dry following tidal inundation; (4) frozen ground does not prevent surface deflation; and (5) remnant sand fences and fresh storm wrack have great local but temporary effect on transport rates. Temporal and spatial differences due to sand fences and wrack, changes in sediment availability due to time-dependent differences in surface moisture and frozen ground, combined with complex topography and patchy vegetation make it difficult to specify cause-effect relationships. Effects of individual roughness elements on the beach and dune on wind flow and sediment transport can be quantified at specific locations at the event scale, but extrapolation of each event to longer temporal and spatial scales remains qualitative. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:在新泽西州大洋城一个宽阔,营养丰富的细沙滩上,用沙栅栏和植被种植在一个2至3 m高,40 m宽的平台上的间隙和相邻波峰处评估风速和泥沙输送的变化。在2003年2月和2003年2月的两次倾斜陆上风事件中,风速计桅杆,圆柱形集沙器和侵蚀销钉都放置在海滩和沙丘上。结果表明:(1)海滩和沙丘系统的沿岸连续性变化可以起作用当风以一定角度吹向海岸线时,作为风向运输的边界; (2)倾斜的风吹过沙丘上植被不良的斑块,增加了形成不规则波峰的可能性; (3)如果沙丘表面植被不良并且潮汐淹没之后海滩没有时间干dry,则在前坡内的运输速度和通缩率可能会比海滩大。 (4)冻结的地面不能防止表面放气; (5)残留的沙栅栏和新鲜的风暴残骸对运输速度有很大的局部性但暂时性影响。由于沙栅栏和残骸造成的时间和空间差异,由于地表水分和冻土的时间依赖性而造成的沉积物可利用性变化,再加上复杂的地形和斑驳的植被,使得很难确定因果关系。可以在事件尺度上的特定位置量化海滩和沙丘上单个粗糙度元素对风流和泥沙输送的影响,但将每个事件外推到较长的时空尺度仍然是定性的。版权所有(c)2006 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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